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Home Forums Products Stompboxes Pitch Flex Exp mapping with Mission EP-25K Reply To: Pitch Flex Exp mapping with Mission EP-25K


Hi – I searched and found this post. Describes what I’m experiencing too. I have 2 expression pedals and both had always worked great. Now neither seems to be working in the ways I recall.

In particular, I had a setting for the octave down in Black Keys’ Lonely Boy that had always worked.

a) I seem to recall having set that myself but I could be wrong

b) Yesterday, I could only get the flex to happen by hitting “flex” on H9 control – the expression pedal did nothing. Obviously, using a hand to flex dusing hte guitar part isn’t really practical.

Any ideas what might be going on? Also – is there a “flex” footswitch functon on the H9 itself? 

