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Home Forums Products Stompboxes V5.2.0beta[6] Software for TimeFactor, ModFactor, PitchFactor, and Space! Reply To: V5.2.0beta[6] Software for TimeFactor, ModFactor, PitchFactor, and Space!


Just got a Space. Tried to use H9, but indicated that I need to update Space firmware. Automatically launched the Eventide Direct Updater. First seems to search for updates, then recognizes the unit fine enough, but there are no options from there (see attached screen capture). Am I supposed to see update options to choose from in “Step 2”? I don’t see anything in the list. I also see the option to update from file, with a file upload control box — but I cannot find the upgrade file to download anywhere on this site.

I’ve spent 2+ hours on the whole routine and at my wit’s end. I also went into “forced” Update mode (power off, power on while holding HotSwitch center button). I love the idea of this pedal, but as synth/sampler person, I am much accustomed to editing such complex little hardware boxes via software.

