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Home Forums Products Stompboxes MIDI–USB vs DIN5 Reply To: MIDI–USB vs DIN5

    sethster wrote:

    Just in case it wasnt clear, in my particular case I dont need USB to support MIDI. I'm using USB only because I'm running H9 Control on my computer (Macbook Pro) *and* I cannot find a way to activate Bluetooth so that H9 Control (on the MacBook) can talk to the H9 pedal. 

    Well, maybe, we should concentrate on why that isn't working.  This would be the first time I've heard of someone being unable to connect to an H9 via Bluetooth from a Macbook Pro.  You said you followed the instructions.  So, I assume you've already seen this section of the H9 Control manual:


    At what step in the process are things not working?  You said you can't pair.  Could you make a quick screenshot (Command + Shift + 4) of the screen you're seeing just so I know where exactly you are in the process?

    Have you been able to connect any other devices to your H9 via Bluetooth like an iOS device?