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Eventide Staff
KingChuck wrote:

I downloaded to v2.5.1 hoping it would fix my issue, but I'm still having trouble loading H3000 plugins.  They aren't coming up in my insert lists under all my other ones.  Wondering what to do.  I'm in the middle of a huge project and am scared to death to update logic or even my operating system until I'm done.   haha  Don't want issues.  I'm running Osx 10.8.5  and Logic 9  v9.1.7   As soon as I'm done with this project I'm getting Logic X, but was hoping to get this working on 9.  

Hi KingChuck-

Did you mean to say v2.5.10? That is the latest release of H3000 Factory available (https://www.eventideaudio.com/products/plugins/pitch-delay-modulation-filtering/h3000-factory). Or, are you also trying to load H3000 Band Delays (part of Anthology X).

When you say they aren't showing up in your inserts list, can you confirm that they've passed validation? Is there an "Eventide" subfolder under the "Audio Units" folder in the inserts list? You can check that the plug-ins have passed validation by going to Preferences->Audio->Plug-in Manager and checking that list. I would try rescanning your plug-ins to see if that solves the issue. I understand why you don't want to upgrade at the moment, but the plug-ins should load in Logic 9 without issue.

