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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 expression over MIDI: IN and OUT customizable values? Reply To: H9 expression over MIDI: IN and OUT customizable values?


I have read that, but these MIN and MAX values pertain to different parameters in H9. What I was asking for was to be able to set the min and max values of the CC number controlled by the expression pedal. Maybe I wasn’t really clear in my question, so I will try to depict it bellow:

H9 parameter value: 0
Expression CC pedal value:60

The reason I need this is that I want to assign the same CC number to 2 functions in H9: Activate and Expression Pedal. This way, when I press the expression I want to activate the preset and the continue using the pedal to vary some parameters. Basically, I want an auto switched WAH.

From what I understand, on/off midi CC messages are switched when value of the CC is higher than 63 for On and lower than 64 for Off.

Is that making more sense?