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st.bede wrote:

… I have downloaded a set of Brock’s mod presets (tide filles). From the title I can not tell which mod directory to place them in. I do not know how to import the files in the normal way.

The directory structure is pretty straightforward (assuming this is the “Yeah, But The Modulation Effects …” 50-preset list). The algorithms 1-10 are in the order they appear on the ModFactor itelf, or in the manual):

  1. Chorus
  2. Phaser
  3. Q-Wah
  4. Flanger
  5. ModFilter
  6. Rotary
  7. TremoloPan
  8. Vibrato
  9. Undulator
  10. RingMod

… and then, that same pattern repeats for 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, and 41-50.

As an aside, brock wrote:
BTW:  I think these modulation FX match up nicely with the “Half A Bushel of Peach Presets”.  PitchFuzz gives the effects a wide spectrum to chew on.  And there are quite a few envelope-controlled presets that play well with the PitchFuzz sensitivity to input volume changes.

The problem remains that you even have to go through all this in the first place.  I mean – I’ve hacked around in the directories – it’s possible, for example, to renumber your presets and lists, and I believe delete.  But that’s doing things the hard way, and it’s easy enough to make a ‘fatal’ mistake.

These are *.H9z files, that you should be able to drag & drop over the (open) H9 Control app.  Same file extension for individual presets, or preset list collections. But the *H9z file gets extracted to *.tide files?  The Eventide staff knows best, but I believe I recall reading here that *H9z was a renamed / proprietary *.zip file.  Makes sense.  I’ll try to recreate your process on my own systems, and see if I can duplicate your issue.