preset sharing

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    • #114195

      I can not get the preset sharing to work. I must be missing a step or something is wrong.

      My H9s and the H9 controller program/app is up to date. I drag a file, I drop the file onto my H9 controller icon, H9 controler opens to the algorithm screen. I check everywhere and I can not find the preset. 

      Thank you.

    • #146505

      Oh, H9 Control needs to be open first before you drag and drop a file onto it.  We could see if we could get it working the way you described in the future.

    • #146522

      Still having problems. I tried on of brock’s PF presets ( a .tide file). When my H9 icontrol is open it will not allow me to drop the file anywhere. Where would I drop it?

    • #146549

      Any ideas about what I am doinng wrong?

      • #146554
        st.bede wrote:

        Any ideas about what I am doinng wrong?

        Sorry I didn't answer your earlier post.  I must have overlooked it.

        You can't currently drag and drop a *.tide file onto H9 Control.  It's expecting *.h9z files to be dragged and dropped onto it.  When you say you're trying to do this with one of Brock's PF presets, where did you get this file from?  Could you post a link?  Our own preset sharing service for example should give you .h9z files.  I could ask someone here to convert those presets to h9z files and post them to our own preset sharing service…

        You could move a *.tide file directly into H9 Control's settings directory, and it will use it, but those directories are hidden on Mac and Windows by the OS, which makes it a bit of a pain.


    • #146559

      I’m not sure where that *.tide preset would come from, either.  The only PF presets that I recall posting were from around three years back.  Right around the initial H9 Control support for stompboxes, and – yes – there were some issues with that upload.  But they were in the *H9z format.

      If that was indeed the source [PitchFactor Preset Programming: “Other” Effects], the good news is that all of the presets & parameters are listed out in the thread.  Or I could repost, if you narrow down which preset.

    • #146561

      Cool… I think I am understanding what is going on. If I drop a preset from Eventide, things work fine (H9Z). When I uploaded Brock’s Pitchfuzz from dropbox, they uploaded as a compressed file (.zip). When I unncompress them I get .tide files. Sorry I wrote PF instead of pitchfuzz.

    • #146562

      Good news, I am copying and pasteing the tide files into the directory. Great presets, Brock. There has been a couple of time h9 controller crashed but over all it is good.

    • #146582

      New problem, I have downloaded a set of Brock’s mod presets (tide filles). From the title I can not tell which mod directory to place them in. I do not know how to import the files in the normal way.

      • #146585
        st.bede wrote:

        … I have downloaded a set of Brock’s mod presets (tide filles). From the title I can not tell which mod directory to place them in. I do not know how to import the files in the normal way.

        The directory structure is pretty straightforward (assuming this is the “Yeah, But The Modulation Effects …” 50-preset list). The algorithms 1-10 are in the order they appear on the ModFactor itelf, or in the manual):

        1. Chorus
        2. Phaser
        3. Q-Wah
        4. Flanger
        5. ModFilter
        6. Rotary
        7. TremoloPan
        8. Vibrato
        9. Undulator
        10. RingMod

        … and then, that same pattern repeats for 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, and 41-50.

        As an aside, brock wrote:
        BTW:  I think these modulation FX match up nicely with the “Half A Bushel of Peach Presets”.  PitchFuzz gives the effects a wide spectrum to chew on.  And there are quite a few envelope-controlled presets that play well with the PitchFuzz sensitivity to input volume changes.

        The problem remains that you even have to go through all this in the first place.  I mean – I’ve hacked around in the directories – it’s possible, for example, to renumber your presets and lists, and I believe delete.  But that’s doing things the hard way, and it’s easy enough to make a ‘fatal’ mistake.

        These are *.H9z files, that you should be able to drag & drop over the (open) H9 Control app.  Same file extension for individual presets, or preset list collections. But the *H9z file gets extracted to *.tide files?  The Eventide staff knows best, but I believe I recall reading here that *H9z was a renamed / proprietary *.zip file.  Makes sense.  I’ll try to recreate your process on my own systems, and see if I can duplicate your issue.

      • #146589
        st.bede wrote:

        New problem, I have downloaded a set of Brock's mod presets (tide filles). From the title I can not tell which mod directory to place them in. I do not know how to import the files in the normal way.

        Yeah, it could be that if you just rename the extension from zip to h9z you'll be able to drag and drop the file on H9 Control and have it import it.

        I don't know why the file extensions are getting changed.  Perhaps, Dropbox is being a bit too clever and recognizing that the files are zip files and renaming them.  

        In any case as Brock pointed out, the h9z files are just zip files, but they have a particular directory structure so the app knows where to look for things and find them.  So, it could be just renaming the file will fix the problem.

    • #146588

      Thank you. I am very grateful for your help.

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