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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Elevate…no waveform meters w/ VST plugins in Wavelab? Reply To: Elevate…no waveform meters w/ VST plugins in Wavelab?

Eventide Staff
smart99 wrote:

I purchased and downloaded the latest version of Elivate. Audibly, it is working great, but I get nothing in the plugin's waveform meter when using the VST plugin in Wavelab 9. When running the AU plugin in Logic, it works fine. I installed both VST 2 and VST 3 versions. There is a regular and mastering version in the plugin selection pulldown. Doesn't work in either. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

There's an issue in the version of JUCE I'm using that causes this problem in Wavelab.  I'll be updating the version of JUCE and making a new release, but I'll need to do some testing first.
