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On the contrary it was rather helpful, thanks for the clarification.

nickrose wrote:

The H9 does not send a specific message when tempo changes, as it was thought that this would be handled by MIDIclock. The activity that you see is the H9 notifying H9control of parameter changes, etc.


Actually, that’s also what I started to gather after an eye crossingly lengthy observation on the incoming sysex 

: )

nickrose wrote:

You can turn it off with a sysex message if you need it no more.

Good tip. This would eliminate the necessity of running H9 control beforehand which was making things impractical. I’ll try.

nickrose wrote:

I’m not familiar with “there’s this known H9 control communication loss problem when CLK.OUT is set to ON” – not known to me, alas.


It’s mentioned in this post:

