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Home Forums Products Stompboxes Help getting Helix preset to load H9 preset in a patch by either CC or PC Reply To: Help getting Helix preset to load H9 preset in a patch by either CC or PC


Like Glorioso who started this thread, all I want to do is step on a Helix preset and have H9 recall a sound but I cannot seem to get the Helix to ‘talk’ to the H9 try as I might.

Is there a simple step-by-step guide anywhere? The Youtube videos assume knowledge (as does this thread) and I need something in simple steps.

I’m not new to midi. I use the Helix to change the amp channels on my Marshall JVM via midi per preset. The Marshall instantly responded to midi change signals being sent out by the Helix but the H9 does not. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks.