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Home Forums Products Stompboxes Help getting Helix preset to load H9 preset in a patch by either CC or PC Reply To: Help getting Helix preset to load H9 preset in a patch by either CC or PC

camn wrote:
What midi message, (and what channel) are YOU sending to your H9 to try and call a preset, then? I feel like this should be a required answer for all MIDI 🙂

Hi Camn,

That question got me thinking… In the Helix ‘Global Settings’ under ‘Midi/Tempo’ I found an option to change the ‘Midi PC Send’ to ‘Midi’. It looks like that has solved the problem as now when I step on a Helix preset, the H9 conjures up a preset and my Marshall changes channel too.

I have the Helix set to Midi Base Channel 1(Global Settings), the H9 set to Midi Receive Channel ‘Omni’ and the H9 Midi Output Mode to ‘Thru’. I think the Marshall is set to receive on ‘Omni’ too.

All I have to do now is find out how to put the required H9 presets into position so that when I recall a Helix preset it activates the required H9 preset (including summoning ‘Bypass’ as a preset if necessary) but I think that I have seen things about that in passing whilst I was trying to solve my midi conundrum.

Thank you for your help and support.