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Eventide Staff
"Hi everyone, I kindly ask for help … I present the problem:

I recently inserted a second H9 in the pedalboard, and I had all the wiring modified so that I could use the function for / post .. I never had problems with buzz or feedback but since I made these changes it has become impossible to play, or for to do this I have to keep the volumes of the head channels at a very low level (below 1/4) …

Is there something that escapes me ???? The whistle is unsustainable even if you only activate one set to a delay ….

Thanks in advance"


It sounds like you have some kind of feedback loop – this is quite a common problem with pre/post arrangements. It is beyond the abilities of this Forum to analyse your setup, so you should have a skilled technician check it over.


Sembra che tu abbia una sorta di circuito di feedback – questo è un problema abbastanza comune con le disposizioni pre / post. Analizzare la configurazione è al di là delle capacità di questo forum, quindi è necessario che un tecnico qualificato lo controlli.