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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins H910 won’t load in Logic 10.5.1……. but DOES in 10.5.0 Reply To: H910 won’t load in Logic 10.5.1……. but DOES in 10.5.0

Eventide Staff

Hm, that is indeed a strange one. What happens if you try the following?

  1. Close Logic Pro
  2. Deactivate H910 in iLok License Manager
  3. In iLok License Manager, go to Preferences -> Licenses -> Remove Account Data from computer
  4. Log out of iLok License Manager and close the application
  5. Reopen Logic Pro – when prompted, go to activate the H910 license

Let me know if that doesn't do the trick. I'd also be curious if you had other Eventide plugins, and if they're experiencing similar issues or still running fine.