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I have this same issue – have for quite a while, but I’m only finally getting to debug it now. The VST3 plugin shows “Waveform Display Unavailable” with “OpenGL is not supported by your graphics card” on hover, but the VST2 plugin shows the display just fine with no errors. (Both plugins are the 64-bit versions.)

I only see this in Ableton. I tried this in a different host, and it works just fine.

System info:

  • Windows 10
  • Ableton 10.1.41
  • GPU: RTX3060Ti – though I had the same problem on my previous GPU, an RTX2060
  • NVidia GPU Driver: 471.96
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 3700X

Support info from plugin:

“PluginInfoComponentVersion”: “1.0.0”,
“System”: {
“JUCEVersion”: “JUCE v6.0.7”,
“OperatingSystemName”: “Windows 10”,
“OperatingSystem64Bit”: true,
“ComputerName”: “Desktop”,
“UserLanguage”: “en”,
“UserRegion”: “CA”,
“DisplayLanguage”: “en-US”,
“DeviceDescription”: “Windows (Desktop)”,
“DeviceManufacturer”: “”,
“DeviceIdentifiers”: [
“NumCpus”: 16,
“NumPhysicalCpus”: 8,
“CpuSpeedInMegahertz”: 3588,
“CpuVendor”: “AuthenticAMD”,
“CpuModel”: “AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor”,
“MMX”: true,
“3DNow”: false,
“SSE”: true,
“SSE2”: true,
“SSE3”: true,
“SSSE3”: true,
“SSE41”: true,
“SSE42”: true,
“AVX”: true,
“AVX2”: true,
“Neon”: false,
“MemorySizeInMegabytes”: 32713,
“PageSize”: 4096,
“RunningInAppExtensionSandbox”: false
“HostSettings”: {
“Host”: “Ableton Live 10”,
“Format”: “VST3”
“PluginEnvironment”: {
“PluginName”: “Physion”,
“PluginVersion”: “2.8.12”,
“PluginArchitecture”: “Intel”,
“PluginSupportInformationVersion”: “0.1.0”,
“SampleRate”: 44100.0,
“BlockSize”: 256,
“TotalInputChannels”: 2,
“TotalOutputChannels”: 2,
“MainBusInputChannels”: 2,
“MainBusOutputChannels”: 2,
“DoublePrecision”: false,
“LatencySamples”: 2832,
“NonRealTime”: false
“PluginSettings”: {
“pluginID”: “Fisn”,
“pluginVer”: “2.8.12”,
“rFXs”: 0.0,
“rFXp”: 1.0,
“rDtm”: 0.375,
“rDbt”: 12.0,
“rDsc”: 1.0,
“rDto”: 120.0,
“rDfb”: 0.0,
“rDlc”: 25.0,
“rDhc”: 25.0,
“rDmx”: 0.5,
“rDxf”: 0.0,
“rTln”: 0.5,
“rTbt”: 13.0,
“rTsc”: 1.0,
“rTto”: 120.0,
“rTnt”: 4.0,
“rTtp”: 0.0,
“rTsp”: 0.0,
“rTmx”: 0.5,
“rCth”: -19.99999809265137,
“rCrt”: 3.999999523162842,
“rCat”: 0.005000000353902578,
“rCrl”: 0.1250000149011612,
“rCgn”: 0.0,
“rPms”: 0.0,
“rPrt”: 1.000000238418579,
“rPbt”: 11.0,
“rPsc”: 1.0,
“rPto”: 120.0,
“rPrl”: 0.02999999560415745,
“rPpl”: 1.0,
“rPfb”: 0.0,
“rPsl”: 0.0,
“rPsh”: 1.0,
“rRsz”: 50.0,
“rRdc”: 1.000999927520752,
“rRlc”: 10.0,
“rRhc”: 30.00000190734863,
“rRmx”: 0.3300000131130219,
“rEgt”: -65.0,
“rEgl”: 0.0,
“rEmf”: 2000.000122070312,
“rEgm”: 0.0,
“rEgh”: 0.0,
“rLev”: 4.177093444468483e-7,
“rSol”: 0.0,
“type”: 0.0,
“focs”: 50.0,
“smth”: 0.0,
“trrl”: 20.0,
“sspw”: 1.0,
“oFXs”: 0.0,
“oFXp”: 1.0,
“oDtm”: 0.375,
“oDbt”: 12.0,
“oDsc”: 1.0,
“oDto”: 120.0,
“oDfb”: 0.0,
“oDlc”: 25.0,
“oDhc”: 25.0,
“oDmx”: 0.5,
“oDmd”: 1.0,
“oDxf”: 1.0,
“oCth”: -19.99999809265137,
“oCrt”: 4.0,
“oCat”: 0.01000000163912773,
“oCrl”: 0.1000000163912773,
“oCgn”: 0.0,
“oPi1”: 12.0,
“oPrt”: 0.0,
“oPe2”: 0.0,
“oPi2”: 12.0,
“oPe3”: 0.0,
“oPi3”: 12.0,
“oPct”: 0.0,
“oPmx”: 0.5,
“oHdp”: 50.0,
“oHrt”: 50.0,
“oHsz”: 100.0,
“oHtn”: 0.0,
“oHmx”: 0.5,
“oRsz”: 50.0,
“oRdc”: 3.000000238418579,
“oRsh”: 100.0,
“oRdp”: 30.00000190734863,
“oRmx”: 0.5,
“oTrt”: 3.999999523162842,
“oTbt”: 19.0,
“oTsc”: 1.0,
“oTto”: 120.0,
“oTwf”: 1.0,
“oTsp”: 0.0,
“oTrm”: 0.0,
“oTdm”: 0.0,
“oTsn”: 0.0,
“oTdp”: 1.0,
“oEgl”: 0.0,
“oEmf”: 1000.000061035156,
“oEmq”: 0.699999988079071,
“oEgm”: 0.0,
“oEgh”: 0.0,
“oLev”: 4.177093444468483e-7,
“oSol”: 0.0,
“mLvl”: 1.072883605957031e-6,
“mixx”: 1.0