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John Baylies

I’ll make a note about adding that to Emote’s import algorithm function.

Vsig’s “Algorithm Location” upload method only supports IDs from 10101 to 10199, but if you have an Algorithm with ID 10199 and use Vsig’s Next empty algorithm location, or use Emote > menubar > Algorithm > Import Algorithm, then the algorithm will appear in ID 10200. I don’t think I’ve ever gone past 10202, but I don’t think there’s a limit.

all .9k files are actually .gz files, so if you change the file extension, then unzip the files, you can see the raw json.

>>> import gzip
>>> import json
>>> data = gzip.open(‘/media/joe/UNTITLED/Really Large Room_976608312_A.9kp’).read()
>>> o = json.loads(data)
>>> o
{u’lv-obj.0′: -0.3000999987125397, u’rd7-obj.0′: 108.7991027832031, u’lmingl-obj.0′: 0.0, u’rd2-obj.0′: 70.59700012207031, u’alg_gain’: {u’out_gain’: {u’values’: [0.0], u’subscription’: None}, u’mute’: {u’values’: [0], u’subscription’: None}, u’bypass’: {u’values’: [0], u’subscription’: None}, u’tempo_mode’: {u’values’: [0], u’subscription’: None}, u’wet_dry_mix’: {u’values’: [100.0], u’subscription’: None}, u’in_gain’: {u’values’: [0.0], u’subscription’: None}}, u’lmaxgl-obj.0′: 200.0, u’outgain-obj.0′: 0.0, u’rd5-obj.0′: 94.29779815673828, u’glide-obj.0′: 100.0, u’intrm-obj.0′: 0.0, u’d3-obj.0′: 0.0, u’rd3-obj.0′: 85.69619750976562, u’rd6-obj.0′: 78.60150146484375, u’rmaxgl-obj.0′: 0.0, u’pdly-obj.0′: 0.0, u’dsize-obj.0′: 96.0, u’d2-obj.0′: 0.0, u’diff-obj.0′: 100.0, u’d1-obj.0′: 0.0, u’subscriptions’: {}, u’rd12-obj.0′: 123.0925979614258, u’vrbglide-obj.0′: 0.0, u’rdcy_1-obj.0′: 31, u’dv2-obj.0′: -100.0, u’rv-obj.0′: -3.0, u’dv1-obj.0′: -100.0, u’gldrate-obj.0′: 0.3499999940395355, u’metadata’: {u’name’: u’A’, u’program_crc32′: 976608312, u’program_id’: 2764032, u’version’: 0, u’is_factory’: False, u’preset_id’: 2764033, u’crc32′: -444381573, u’program_name’: u’Really Large Room’, u’id’: 2764032, u’software’: u’unknown’}, u’mspan-obj.0′: 100.0, u’wav-obj.0′: 1, u’rmingl-obj.0′: 200.0, u’rd9-obj.0′: 157.1882934570312, u’mdepth-obj.0′: 1.380200028419495, u’fb1-obj.0′: 0.0, u’lf-obj.0′: 190.0, u’rd4-obj.0′: 58.0, u’rd8-obj.0′: 114.0, u’h-obj.0′: 12500.0, u’gldspeed-obj.0′: 0.1000000014901161, u’rd1-obj.0′: 54.39770126342773, u’hf-obj.0′: 10500.0, u’d4-obj.0′: 0.0, u’rd11-obj.0′: 141.902099609375, u’mrate-obj.0′: 8.0, u’fb2-obj.0′: 0.0, u’hv-obj.0′: -0.5001000165939331, u’rdcy1-obj.0′: 431.0393981933594, u’rsize-obj.0′: 70.0, u’rd10-obj.0′: 134.1905059814453, u’drywet-obj.0′: 50.0}
>>> o[‘metadata’]
{u’name’: u’A’, u’program_crc32′: 976608312, u’program_id’: 2764032, u’version’: 0, u’is_factory’: False, u’preset_id’: 2764033, u’crc32′: -444381573, u’program_name’: u’Really Large Room’, u’id’: 2764032, u’software’: u’unknown’}
>>> o[‘metadata’][‘program_id’]

These IDs are 32 bit integers that encode the bank and algorithm number as well as the algorithm ID.
program_id is the ID of the algorithm it belongs with, but preset_id also matters, because it is based on the program ID.

>>> (o[‘metadata’][‘program_id’] >> 16) & 0xff

That’s bank 42

>>> (o[‘metadata’][‘program_id’] >> 8) & 0xff

that’s algorithm 45 within bank 42, i.e. 4245 “Really Large Room”

>>> o[‘metadata’][‘preset_id’] & 0xff

this is preset 1 for that algorithm.

I hope that helps..