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Home Forums Products Plug-Ins Blackhole demo no presets Reply To: Blackhole demo no presets

Eventide Staff


Below are some general troubleshooting steps that should resolve your issue:


  • Eventide plug-ins use a custom preset bar in the plug-in GUI, make sure you are looking there rather than the DAW’s preset bar.
  • If you are looking in the correct location in the UI, and still do not see any presets, then check that the presets are installed in the following location: c:\Users\<user name>\My Documents\Eventide\<plugin name>\Presets
  • If the presets are not there, then you should uninstall and reinstall the plug-in, making sure the “Documentation and Presets” box is checked during the installation process.Uninstallers are located at Start Menu->Control Panel->Programs and Features->Uninstall a Program.


  • Eventide plug-ins use a custom preset bar in the plug-in GUI, make sure you are looking there rather than the DAW’s preset bar.
  • If you are looking in the correct location in the UI, and still do not see any presets, then check that the presets are installed in the following location: ~/Music/Eventide/<Plugin Name>/ (whole folder)
  • If the presets are not there, then you should uninstall and reinstall the plug-in, making sure the “Documentation and Presets” box is checked during the installation process.Uninstallers are located at Applications/Eventide/Uninstallers/.

If the presets are still not showing up after completing all of the above steps, I can send you the presets to manually place in the correct folder.