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Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Power draw & routing Reply To: H90 Power draw & routing

Eventide Staff

I’m still thrown of a little bit from the email Stryman sent me. Here the text of it: “We have never used the cable that you’ve just linked, however, we’ve had customers use our polarity reversal cable with a current doubler for Eventide products for years with no issues whatsoever.The current and polarity adapters that we sell still require the standard DC power cable that Zuma/Ojai comes with in order to connect it all.

I do not see a current doubler adapter on their website, so we’re both confused.

What you are saying I believe is that all I need to power the H90 with my Zuma is the current doubler cable and the Vertex reverse polarity cable that Sweetwater linked to. I will not need the cable that comes with the Stryman, right?
