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Home Forums Products Stompboxes manual for H90 control? Reply To: manual for H90 control?

Eventide Staff

Sorry, I am unsure what is happening from your description. If this is something you can reproduce, it’d be useful to get a screen recording of the issue and email support@eventide.com so I can have a better idea of what is happening.

There are a few ways to save in H90 Control:

Clicking the Save button in the top right will save the current state of the Program, that is the state of both Presets as well as mappings and other Program level settings. If you load the Program again, it should be in the exact state that it was saved.

You can also save a Preset by clicking the 3-dot icon next to the Preset’s name and selecting “Save to Library”. This will allow you to load the same Preset settings in a different Program.