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Home Forums Products Vsig and Preset Development H9 Flanger Preset Advice Reply To: H9 Flanger Preset Advice

Eventide Staff

Hi, first of all happy new year and congratulations on your H9! I apologize for this post not getting picked up sooner – this forum is designed for VSig presets, not pedal presets so your post hasn’t gotten as much visibility. In the future, I recommend you post in the Stompbox forum for H9 questions.

You are indeed close… I think you need to tweak speed mod, mod rate, and mod source or the three rightmost knobs on the bottom row. Try using a triangle instead of a sine, try a mod rate of 1.000xSPD or maybe even 2.000xSPD, and then tweak speed mod rate from there. I don’t think you will need depth mod, but I encourage you to experiment. I’d say you can leave the top row controls mostly as-is, though I encourage you to keep tweaking… maybe try setting shape to a triangle wave as well.

You can follow up here with questions, but I encourage you to repost this in the stompbox forum should you want more discussion on the topic to get more visibility.