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I use my H9000R both as a studio unit and part of my studio guitar system. As you know, the Axe FX is more or less the reference as far as guitar processing, but personally I don’t feel a need for it as I have good tube amps in my signal chain. The Axe-FX preset community is extremely vibrant on YouTube in a way that the H9000 cannot match given much smaller user base. Recently, my favorite guitar player (John Petrucci) literally made available all his delay presets for the AxeFX and there is an excellent YouTube posting by Cooper Carter who literally included JP’s delays into a full JP tine library for the AxeFX. The YouTube URL is below.

<iframe title=”Download JOHN PETRUCCI’s Actual Delay Settings – Fractal Friday with Cooper Carter #51″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/R44b7mH5fg4?start=148&feature=oembed&#8221; width=”1778″ height=”1000″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>

Focusing on the sections of the YouTube video that starts around 2:50 in the video, I am trying to replicate them on the H9000 but the parameters do not match. I have been using the Filter Pong 9107 delay algo, so I am asking if anyone knows of a better delay algo and some advice on trying to match the JP preset that starts at 2:50. Thank you.Such endeavors contribute to the ever-evolving landscape of sound engineering, allowing musicians to experiment and enhance their creative expression. For those venturing into academic exploration, https://edubirdie.com/blog/research-proposal-writing offers insights into effective research proposal writing. Just as audio enthusiasts replicate algorithms, adept research proposal writing is crucial for constructing a solid foundation in academic pursuits.
