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Home Forums Products Stompboxes Low-Pass Filter in H90 Reply To: Low-Pass Filter in H90

Eventide Staff


You can search through all of the algorithm presets on the H90 in the following ways:

Using the pedal, press the presets button, and use quick knobs to select the EQ/Compressor algorithm. Turn the Select or Perform knob to scroll through the different presets for the algorithm – https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.7.5/content/edit-modes/presets.html

Using H90 Control, click the Preset Library tab in the bottom right corner. Select the EQ/Compress filter from the Algorithm selection on the right, and you will now see all of the presets from that algorithm – https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.7.5/content/h90-control/edit.html#preset-library