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Excellent! We have pretty much exhausted our Max capabilities so it’d be great to have someone on board who can really dig in and test.  We are studio guys,  so our expertise is more on the hardware / synth / outboard side of things.  We originally built the device for our own personal use but it’s just too cool not to release it.  That said, we really want to do it right.  I’d say 90% of the patch is “good enough”, but

The device will be free, so it is a passion project, but our aim is to refine it as “professional” as possible before release. It’s the greatest FX unit of all time (in our humble opinion) and it deserves a fully-featured controller. The ability to create/save infinite presets in addition to Ableton’s modulation capabilities opens up a whole new world.  We also made a simple program changer and imported all of the original preset descriptions, will send that also!

Shoot me an email at info@true-hybrid.com and we can link up. Looking forward!

Anyone else reading who would like to help, feel free to reach out at address above.

Screenshot 2024-12-13 at 14.01.13

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