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  • MIDI Note to CC conversion templates
  • Limited to devices I actually own / use …

Just a PSA, no affiliation, kickbacks, freebies, and no hands-on experience (just yet).

For MIDI Note to CC translation, this may be the simplest, most cost-effective solution I’ve stumbled across, in a small hardware footprint.


Cost of entry: as low as $20 US for single USB to DIN / DIN.  $50 to $70 US, depending on the number & types of MIDI ports needed.  As a bonus, these may work out to be (under)pedalboard-friendly.

I have been using a number of other ITB & hardware units for my MIDI message conversions.  But I did just add a CME U6MIDI Pro to tonight’s  online order.  Mainly to have access to MPE / poly-aftertouch remapping, plus a few other unique tricks.

Let’s see how this one works out with – say – a Hydrasynth arpeggiator pushing the H90 SIFT shifters.