Anybody else getting a volume boost with the new software?

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    • #106832

      I just installed the new update and now i'm getting a volume boost whenever the pedal is engaged . I use it in my amps effx loop on the dsp/fx setting. I had no volume boost prior to this update. 

      The bypass is much smoother now other than the volume boost

    • #119882
      Eventide Staff

        Hi dissever,

        Which pedal are you using, and on which algorithms is the volume boost noticeable (as in, just in Tape Delay, or across the board) ?  Make sure your input/output level switches are still the same as you used before the update.  Also, are you referring to the DSP+FX bypass setting in system mode?

      • #119883

        oops…Timefactor and yes dsp+fx. I mostly use the tape mode but I'll check tonight to see if the others do it as well. I have the swtiches set the same and even tried them in other combinations.

      • #119891

        I went through all my presets tonight and found a few things

        The volume boost is most noticeable on digidelay with more than one delay running even if they are set to the same time, level, and repeats

        The really weird thing is if you have a delay set up with the a/b mix at 10:10, but have B set to no delay, you get a huge boost. This seems to happen regardless of which mode you are in (digi, vint, etc..)

      • #119918

        This happened to me at a gig and it took me until the next afternoon to figure it out. This may or may not be your problem but what it was was I had accidentally hit the line/ guitar level toggle switch on the inputs and outputs on the rear of the unit to the other position which greatly boosted my signal. I switched it back and everything worked perfectly. I would say check this 1st. 

      • #131107

        "The really weird thing is if you have a delay set up with the a/b mix
        at 10:10, but have B set to no delay, you get a huge boost. This seems
        to happen regardless of which mode you are in (digi, vint, etc..)"

        Well of course, when the delay signal  ends up on top, and somewhat in phase, of the direct signal you are effectively "summing" them. "No delay" in this case refers to time, not volume. You need to use the Mix parameter to balance or remove one of the delay engines.

      • #131108

        I have the switches set correctly.

        It doesn't only do it with the two delay engines running, it just does it to a greater degree that way. Thanks for the explanation though.

      • #131114

        You need to set the mix to 0% wet. Is this direct signal louder than when the unit is bypassed?

      • #131131
        Eventide Staff


          Trazan is right, what you are experiencing is what I would consider "normal" functionality of the Timefactor.  Summing two in-phase signals is basically multiplying the signal times 2 (although the perceived loudness shouldn't be twice as loud).  Use the combination of wet/dry, A:B knobs to adjust your gains accordingly in your presets. 

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