Aux switch mapping

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    • #114438

      Anyone use the aux to control the output volume of an algorithm, like a delay for example? If set to +4, I am honking it can be mapped rom range 96-100 to use as a solo boost. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

    • #147517

      As far as I know, nothing…no aux, no midi, can control the output volume on the fly.
      Which, I agree, WOULD be awesome.

      You can control the other parameters, though….so I fake it sometimes.

      Like, in PitchFuzz…the gain knob can add some loudness.
      In a lot of the reverbs/delays…you can start pretty wet, with a lot of output volume…and switch back the mix value to dry-er…which gives you some apparent volume.
      You can add an octave in, or an additional delays/voices… Etc etc.
      Those are what I do.
      Usually with the expression pedal, not an aux switch, though. So much easier, and you can dial it back to get the right stage volume.

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