Backing up my Pitchfactor – only 12 messages received?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Backing up my Pitchfactor – only 12 messages received?

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    • #111655
      de Haan

      Hi there,

      I'm trying to back up my all my Pitchfactor presets using SysEx Librarian (mac) with the PF connected via USB. But when I'm doing the backup, I get a message that only 12 messages was received. Shouldn't there be 100 messages, since there's 100 presets?

      Any ideas about what's wrong?



    • #126011
      Eventide Staff

      It really depends on exactly what and how you are asking the PF to do. It can, for example, send all presets as a single MIDI dump.

    • #126012
      de Haan

      Allright, thank you. I'm asking it to dump "all" (settings and all presets). And that results in between 10 and 14 messages – it's not the same amount of messages every time I do it… Is there a way to check if my backup is okay? 🙂

    • #136735
      Eventide Staff

      A dump all will produce one message. I;m guessing that the problem is at the computer end.

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