Control A and B parameters at the same time

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Control A and B parameters at the same time

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    • #162878

      Hallo, I have the Space, TimeFactor and PitchFactor and sometimes I would like to control the A and B parameters let’s say for feedback or for decay at the same time. Ideally with only one knob. This is very common practice on lots of hardware and plugins. Since I haven’t found a way to do this on the Factor/Space pedals, I would like to ask if this is possible and how. And if not I would like to request this feature.


      Thank you and greetings from Germany!

    • #162895
      Eventide Staff


      You can control multiple parameters with one control using either an expression pedal or a MIDI controller. Since you have 3 stompboxes that you’d like to control this way, I would suggest a MIDI controller that would allow you to control all 3 stompboxes.

      The user manual explains how to configure these settings (Exp pedal page 26, MIDI page 44)

    • #162899

      Thank you very much for your answer and suggestion. Actually I have a few MIDI controllers available, but as I have limited space and I don’t like so many cables connected to the Factors, I would rather like to avoid to include additional gear, so I hoped for an “in the box” solution. But anyway, thank you!


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