Displayed Midi Numbers on the Factors

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    • #107669

      How do I change the display on the TimeFactor and ModFactor to get Midi numbers and not Bank numbers so I can control it with a pedal board? 

      I have seen it where guys have changed the settings in the Eventide units so that bank numbers are not displayed, but midi program numbers  000 - 127 making it easy to assign and connect a midi controller. The manual does not tell you, and they don't know at Eventide customer service.  

    • #121626


      sorry, not sure what you mean,  your post was truncated.

      Do you mean map the Midi CC values to specific functions? Or something else?


    • #121632

      I want the factors to show me for example midi program number 001 on the display, so all i have to do is match the number on the midi foot controller and not convert bank numbers to midi numbers with a conversion chart. 

      And how do I change the display on the factors to do this? It can be done, I've seen the factors just display the midi numbers such as 001,002, 010, 100, 127, etc.

    • #132856
      Eventide Staff

      Still unclear what you mean. Possibly you want a given MIDI Program Change number to load a specific 'Factor program. If this is the case, you need to set up a MIDI map, as described in the UM (p.38 for TF, p.34 for MF).

    • #132858

      not sure I have ever seen it on the display on the display other than, as Nick suggested, in the System/MidI/ProgramChangeMap. this is where you set the map for say PC004 to map to bank 7:2 or whatever you want, this is how I do it otherwise they are mapped from:-

      0 > 1:1

      1 > 1:2

      2 > 2:1

      3 > 2:2

      4 > 3:1


      ( I think it starts a 0, but it maybe 1) 

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