Electric to Acoustic Preset Anyone?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Electric to Acoustic Preset Anyone?

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    • #178789
      gas hed

      Has anyone been able to generate a custom preset with the H90 that emulates a plugged in acoustic guitar sound when using an electric guitar? I haven’t had much luck and have to believe this unit is capable of such a feat. Suggestions anyone?

    • #178798
      Eventide Staff

      There’s an EQ/Compressor algorithm preset that I believe is supposed to emulate that sound.

    • #178808

      I believe that the preset Tyler referred to is called “AcousticElec” (that one goes back to the H9).


    • #178814
      gas hed

      Yeah, I’ve tried that preset but don’t find it very convincing. Was hoping someone created a customized version that was better.

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