Emote stability VST got better but…..

Home Forums Products Rackmount Emote stability VST got better but…..

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    • #162320

      VST 3 and swapping out midi guitar stack algo (or similarly named I can’t remember right now) #5 for #4 pretty consistently crashes Emote in Studio One. Not the case in standalone.
      Any tips on getting the VST3 to not crash this way? Windows 10 PC. The VST3 has been made more stable in recent updates so I started using it again.

    • #162330
      Eventide Staff


      I am unable to reproduce your issue using the Emote VST3 in Studio One 4.6.2. I am able to load all of the MIDI VirtRack algorithms and some other I thought you may be referring to, and I have not been able to crash the DAW. Can you confirm that you are using the latest version of the VST3? There was an older bug that was similar to this that was fixed.

      If you can provide steps to reproduce the crash and upload a crashlog from Studio One, that would be useful.

    • #162337

      I will try and reproduce later on today. If I can, I will forward the info along. It was definitely using the drag and drop replace one algo over the other function in the session.

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