Hello, I’m new to the forum and wondered if you guys could help me.
I hava an RJM GT-16 pedal board with RJM Rack Gizmo and i’m using these to send messages to my Space pedal via MIDI. All is well except from sometimes the Hotswitch message randomly tells the Hotswitch to Engage (red light) or not (green light).
The CC message is 14. I’ve tried both toggle and momentary as I wanted to avoid being stuck in the hotswitch edit mode that you get when you keep the middle button pressed. 127 value to switch to hotswitch (red light) 0 value to be in standard setting (green light)
I’ve assigned a specific midi channel for the Space so it’s not receiving messages from anything else.
The other CC message in sending is either CC#10 (Bypass) or CC#1 (Active)
Thanks in advance for any help on this!