Expression Pedal for Eventide Blackhole Pedal

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Expression Pedal for Eventide Blackhole Pedal

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    • #159330

      Hello, which EXP Pedal fits best for the Eventide Blackhole pedal? Does the Mission Engineering SP-H9-WH  exp pedal fits for the Blackhole as well as for the H9.

    • #159333
      Eventide Staff

      Hello, which EXP Pedal fits best for the Eventide Blackhole pedal? Does the Mission Engineering SP-H9-WH exp pedal fits for the Blackhole as well as for the H9.

      The Mission SP-H9 is a great option for both pedals. Any TS expression pedal that has a 10 kΩ to 25 kΩ potentiometer works best.

    • #162907

      hi Joe
      “An additional input allows an external TS momentary aux switch to be used in parallel with the internal switch if required.”

      This expression pedal look nice! And it seems a user can even have a TS switch in parallel. Sounds great, but how would that work with 3 H9s chained together? On different MIDI channels, or the same – is there an ideal setup you can suggest please

      Thanks as always


    • #162992

      As far as I know the mission engineering expression pedal is basically just a 10K passive pot (TIP) with a button to close the RING position
      So you would set it up basically like any other expression
      If you want them to control at the same time, use MIDI CC XMT (see H9 user manual p.46-48)
      If you want to control them individual, may need some kind of switcher/isolator, these products definitely do exist
      Good luck

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