expression pedal programming

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    • #107899

      Everything seems to be working when programming the exp pedal on my timefactor…. the light blinks etc…but the heel position always ends up being 0 regardless of what i set a parameter at!  I've tried the roland pedal, the m-audio pedal, and now an ernie ball pedal to no avail.  

      anyone else have this problem? What can I do to fix it?… frustrating.

    • #122193

      I assume you are using the Roland EV-5.  That has a 10k pot, which works on this pedal.  Make sure the second pot (left side of pedal) is turned full counter clockwise.

      Or, maybe you are doing something wrong.

      Set the expression to heel.

      Quickly turn the desired knob to it's desired low value.

      Quickly set the expression to toe

      Quickly set the desired parameter to it's high value.

      Quickly save things.

      You have to move fast enough so the light does not stop blinking in the process.

    • #122198

      Are you able to write down your settings or send us a sysex so we can recreate your issue?


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