Factor Stompboxes MIDI clock Question

Home Forums Products Stompboxes Factor Stompboxes MIDI clock Question

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    • #108228

      Hey everyone, here's my question:

      Will the midi clock sync the tempo of two or more pedals if I use an AUX switch assigned 

      With the tap tempo function? Or does the MIDI clock only work with the three switches on the actual 

      Factor pedal?

      I don't have an Eventide Stompbox yet, but I plan to eventually buy a Timefactor and a Space. 

    • #122899
      Eventide Staff

      Midi clock sync will work if you tap on an aux switch.  You just have to enable MIDICLK out on the pedal you want to be the clock master, and enable MIDICLK in on the pedal you want to be the clock slave. 


    • #122900

      Thanks for the quick response, Russ.

      I guess I can go ahead and buy a midi cable now, eh?

      Haha, thanks again =]

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