Factors send midi clock message?

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    • #110968

      Hi forum.  I have a Modfactor and a Timefactor and I control the tap tempo of both devices with a single tap pedal with a Y cable.  I used to do it from one device to the next via midi, but the tempo would never sync up (maybe I was doing something wrong) as good as doing it this way.  I have another device that needs this tempo to sync to, but it doesn't have a tap input (though it has a tap button).  Does anyone know if the factors are sending any type of midi clock tempo out of them that I can pick up with this other unit?  The unit is MIDI and does support midi clock.  I'm not sure if there is a midi tap tempo device out there that can just run all 3?  It is important that it is a continuous clock because, while I have the factors set to global tempo, this other unit does not have that option, so it reverts to a saved tempo with each new patch.  Any help to get started would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks.

      if it matters, the other unit is the EHX 8-step, which, i might add, is awesome.

    • #124545
      Eventide Staff

        The Factors can send MIDIclock if you have up to date software.

        This mysteriously does not appear in the UM (secret !!), but try CLK OUT under MIDI in the System Menu. Note that the unit cannot be set to MIDI THRU if you want it to send anything, including MIDIclock.

      • #124546

        OK, I'm a little slow, but let me see if I understand:

        I can set the Timefactor to send midi clock data (if I'm up to date), but setting this means i can no longer pass any other data through the time factor, such as the program change or CC messages for the device I'm trying to send the clock data to?  Is what I'm trying to do really so wierd?  So maybe I need to find something to put further upstream in the midi signal that will send the midi clock data to be streamed through the devices and leave the factors set to thru?  is there another device that sends clock messages wia tap tempo that i can buy besides the ploytec 34one?  Is there anythig else that i can do?  Arghh!

      • #135409
        Eventide Staff

          Most smaller units have a choice between MIDI XMT or THRU. Bigger ones have an extra THRU connector so the problem does not arise.

          One option is to have the unit generating the clock at the start of the "chain" with all others (except maybe the last) set to THRU.

          Another is to use a MIDI Merge unit from a company like MIDI Solutions.

        • #135410

          Okay.  having it at the start of the chain would also require it to be the driver of the other pgm changes and cc messages, correct?  or get the midi merge thing?

        • #135411
          Eventide Staff

            Those are the approaches that I can see at this time.

          • #124548
              if it matters, the other unit is the EHX 8-step, which, i might add, is awesome

              Before you drive yourself crazy with this, have a look at this EHX forum thread.  Read all the way to the later posts.  This development is the only thing that had me pulling my 8 Step Program preorder at the last second.

              Here's hoping that they get it resolved soon (and that you weren't unfortunate enough to get one from the bad batch).  It really is an innovative product, and I can't wait to add it to my pedalboard setup.  But reliable MIDI control is essential to me.

            • #124549

              Very interesting. Thanks for the heads up. I am using midi program changes which work fine for me (but i stay in the 1st 10 programs) as well as a cc message to shift a slider from a major to a minor 3rd on a pitch sequence when i run it to my boss pitch shifter pedal. The display always looks screwy but the programs do change. Maybe i haven't done this enough to see the issues. 

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