H9 BlackHole Purchase Not Working

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H9 BlackHole Purchase Not Working

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    • #111982

      I just purchased the Blackhole Algorithm through the my IPhone 6. It
      looked like every other purchase I have made but still is not showing
      up as purchased on my IOS H9 Software.

      In other words normally you can select any of
      your purchased Algorithms through the IOS device but this one still
      appears as one that I need to purchase.

      I have verified in Itunes that it shows as purchased and is charging the $19.99 for the purchase,

      I have tried the restore purchases on the device and it still does not show as purchased.

      Anyone else have this issue and  or a way to get it resolved.

      I have sent email to support but not heard a response yet.


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