H9 Control 4.0 is now in beta testing

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    • #116593
      Eventide would like to invite everyone to join our beta test of H9 Control 4.0, in which we removed the algorithm store, refreshed the UI, and fixed some bugs.


      As announced last year (https://www.eventideaudio.com/one-h9-rule-them-all), Eventide has stopped producing the standard H9 and H9 Core, and will release a new version of H9 Control and retire the algorithm store. We offer a special Max Out Upgrade promotion indefinitely for the foreseeable future. Any purchased algorithms will count toward the upgrade. Visit the H9 Max Out Upgrade Page to verify your discounted upgrade price: https://www.eventideaudio.com/store/upgrade-h9


      We will continue to manufacture the H9 Max, and provide support for the H9, H9 Core and H9 Max. That's why we'd like to invite you all to this beta test. We look forward to your feedback. Let us know if you find any bugs, or have any suggestions. Thank you very much.

    • #157668

      Nice, all seems to be working from a quick look here today, Win 10 64.

    • #157705

      trying to post my -long- answer, i get this :

      • #157707
        Eventide Staff
        O2LAMJU wrote:

        trying to post my -long- answer, i get this :

        Oh…Sorry about that. Hopefully you can post it again. Maybe save your notes somewhere else fisrt…

    • #157708

      Hi Eventide and fellow users !

      all seems to be working (win 10 x64 also), yes.

      So you decided to mainly focus the work on changing -just a bit- the look of H9 control ? 😀 so efficient !

      I already had doubts for 2 years about “store tab” relevance for H9max users (to buy twice an algo?). especially on (tiny screen) phone app. So thank you ! bravo à vous !!! enfin !!!! merci !

      If you’re at ending your work with H9 & H9 Control, and (perhaps already mentionned or desired) although i’m not a native english source/speaker, i’ll add a few propositions (and a French user gift perhaps at the end, if able to upload, a listing of algos parameters in excel format). Hoping to be properly understood despite my english. I’ve been thinking about writing this for 2 years…

      I – on the H9 device

      1- considering the complexity of H9 parameters (so much algos have so much different parameters), it would be really “user-friendly” to have the ability to present on the H9 device display the NAME of the CC# being changed (when using midi CC# to parameter) before (or after) the present value of the parameter with a point somewhere on the display (whatever sign?) dispayed only when you are at the origin value of the parameter.

      (or you could perhaps use the 3 led buttons winking when changing value to display if you are now “down/on it/up of” the origin value of the preset being changed). So you can (or try to) come back precisely to the original setting after variations (the device setting option to define the “alternate timelap” between name & value would be also really “user friendly”)

    • #157709

      II – in H9 Control

      2- (on this one, i cried soooooooo many times 😉 sometimes I even don’t power-on my PB thinking of the long management I still have to do with a jurassik user interface’s ergonomy) I dream for years of having an “excel-type list tab” in h9 control -or another PC compatible app- with multipreset/parameters editor/manager with list of presets -multiselection possible- and columns filtering of parameters including (please… 🙂 ) routing, instr source, by preset

      in which we would definitely have the “user/workflowing friendly” possibility to copy/move presets AND a selection of presets (French jokin’ : did you ever realize we will soon be using computers with keyboard and mouse for music production ? computers use some kind of shortcuts to go faster, easier, workflower… like CTRL, ALT, MAj or even CMD for esteticians or designers… CTRL to copy or add to selection, MAJ to Move or multiselect, etc. and mouse shortcuts also with something more than left click… a new technological world is coming !)

    • #157710

      Sorry i sometimes try to laugh 🙂 but always cry about H9 management workflow, i mean… H9 control is really good (one needs recognition) to use with fingers on the phone to tweak one sound, but when you worked hard and found many useful and beautiful ones and want to retrieve them, organize them especially, prepare rehearsals, changing band project or preparing a particular soundset, changing the nature of instrument, or work and control with a daw (except Ableton Live… thanks to a generous volunteer user…)… things are going really bad. As if a full even tide’s timelap is much faster than trying to reorganize your many eventide H9 sounds through H9 Control. Such an horrible sensation that computers (real ones, not mobile or console) permitted to avoid (i managed to deal with DOS, ok it was hard times… and windows 3.1 or after 95 where you could use right mouse click and even some keyboard shortcuts !!!!)

      Enough with the jokes. Ok so we can order easily presets with lists (especially when you can select column and sort presets by these) you can identify many things (type/parameters threshold) very fastly to search sounds that fit an idea (and change it fastly also if needed to try before trying another) without infinite goings and comings -loosing precious time- through different menus

      This dreamed-of editor would have a one/two (We, users, may choose) panel listing (sort of Excel one) where i can import/export/edit multiple sounds at once with listing and multiselection facilities. The icing on the cake would be the possibility to edit multiple parameters of multiple presets with a multiple selection’s editing function (when changing instrument and thresholds or tone parameters have to be changed a bit for more darkness or brightness ie)

    • #157711

      On each panel (with the possibility to work with two panels aside) we would have an horizontal ribbon with the source (H9-1, H9-2, H9-3,… , H9-Ctrl preset list, H9-Ctrl usage history, Settings) and a ribbon with the object (preset, preset list, parameters list).

      Then, beneath, a list with preset parameters and some preset settings (source instrument -bass, guitar,…- ie should be able to be recorded as a preset setting and VERY easily browsed/editable/reachable through this listing board filtering, as would be the routing setting send/return loop and dsp/fx setting), in columns. we should be able to edit on each panel and copy/move/replace/insert any preset/multipreset selection from and to each panel to/from the other.

      A very tiny little underline-“ribbon” on each preset line (down of it?) could represent the actual programming of expression parameters and values (as you did with white and blue points and a blue line between, this is absolutely perfect !)

      3- About saving/editing FX list. The idea is to make a list of current presets and choose (none, one, two, multiple, all) presets that you will be ask where to save them (replace current -if on gear-, insert (then decide which to erase if presets full), copy and replace on another preset). the others will be saved on themselves by default without need to retrieve it manually… time saving)

    • #157712

      4-On the PC you don’t use the possibilities coming from having space (on the screen you could have all “more”functions and access to pages directly even on a simple HD screen) neither from having a true keyboard. not even one shortcut set up for pc. none. PC users will use mouse extremely with no multiple selection, no shortcut, no screen tweaking or optimisation and no shortcut…

      5- One other thing is Tempo related questions… I slaved my H9/2 to H9/1tempo through midi out/1 to midi in/2. Is H9/1 sending only a tempo message when tempo changed or is it sending continuous midi clock messages ? because sometimes the tempos get unsynced… !?? and if I chain the tempo prog (one CC# on H9-1 sets the tempo with footbutton and sends it by midi to h9-2) what happens if the first effect has no tempo but the second has (and needs one) ?

      6- having a preset/edition history also would be perfect. especially when jamming or searching with your band. you search through songs, make a whole session with evolutive sounds and record it to work on it as a material, but we can’t have a historical trace of  what we’ve done on H9 Control. i’m not about parameters’ historical review, but at least presets used (and time used would be waouuuh). I’m not sure this kind of info is easily reachable but well…

    • #157713

      i believe users may probably need 4 environnements/tabs :

      A- Sound effects research/exploration with filters and criterias search among 50+ effects (if you make a matrix of the kind of effects included in algos, an effect search by criterias – me : “i want a delay with chorus and/or pitch” H9-CTRL : “these – pitch fuzz, spacetime, undultaor, micropitch etc- are the matching algos and referenced presets for these criterias” – would be an awesome feature, as an effect browser for a complex unit)

      B- Live control (parameters in its 2 forms, expression, xy…)

      C- managing presets naming/order-list/”per-preset”options/usage history as described earlier !!!

      D- Settings

      I had a hard time writing this (i’m French – no one’s perfect- but i wanted to be understood at the same time…) i hope it can be at least understood, I know it’s long and unformal but at the end I admit that i do not have many expectations regarding the result… well somehow

      Thank you

    • #157817

      Windows 10 user here.  I’ve spent a lot of time with H9 Control over the last 3 years.

      Knee jerk reactions.  I hate the look of the new GUI.  The preset symbols/icons are difficult to read for two reasons:  The icons are very wide and the color scheme is awful.  Between the two, the color problem is the worse.  I think you already know what I’m about to say.  One cannot readily distinguish between the SPACE and H9 algorithms and presets. 

      You boxed yourself into a corner by relying on font color to distinguish between them.  The font color for SPACE should be black, but it can’t be block because the background is black.  So you made it gray, the same color as the H9 font.  Restated it is a mistake to use black/gray as the color scheme for both the SPACE and H9 algos/presets.

      These are new problems.  You broke something that didn’t need to be “fixed”.  I suggest you “unfix” this.






      • #157826
        Eventide Staff
        apalazzolo wrote:

        The preset icons/symbols are now much wider than the algo icons/symbols.  They used to be consistent.  It’s disorienting and you should put space between the preset icon columns like you have with the algo icons.  Thanks.

        I don’t think we changed the width of those icons. Can you take a screenshot to explain what you mean?

      • #157828
        bohan wrote:
        apalazzolo wrote:

        The preset icons/symbols are now much wider than the algo icons/symbols.  They used to be consistent.  It’s disorienting and you should put space between the preset icon columns like you have with the algo icons.  Thanks.

        I don’t think we changed the width of those icons. Can you take a screenshot to explain what you mean?

        Please see attached. I chose a screen shot that has presets for all the Factor and H9 algos.  The identical colors for Space and H9 is not good either.   The color code system you used before was really helpful in zeroing in on one algo out of 50+.

        Also note, the color blue for the delays is looks faded, like a powder blue.

        Oh, and sorry about the initial error in my post and then the double post.  I thought I was editing my first post.



    • #157824

      As a brief follow up:

      The preset icons/symbols are now much wider than the algo icons/symbols.  They used to be consistent.  It’s disorienting and you should put space between the preset icon columns like you have with the algo icons.  Thanks.


    • #157827

      how do we download on Android?? Clicking on the provided link yields a picture I attached. Can you upload the APK somewhere?

      • #157941
        Eventide Staff
        rxb216 wrote:

        how do we download on Android?? Clicking on the provided link yields a picture I attached. Can you upload the APK somewhere?

        Yes. I updated this post. The APK can be downloaded here: https://etide.io/zPrQm

    • #157829

      My Win 10 computer has the correct date, but the new Preset List screen lists today’s date as Wednesday April 7, 2021 and the Drag & Drop screen lists today’s date as Monday February 1, 2016.

      The preset icons in the Drag & Drop screen are also stretched/widened. please see attached screenshot.




    • #157830

      Not sure my first screenshot made it.  second attempt.

    • #157831

      And my PRESET OPTIONS appear to be inactive as they are displayed in”ghost gray”.  Please see attached screen shot.

      • #157836
        Eventide Staff
        apalazzolo wrote:

        And my PRESET OPTIONS appear to be inactive as they are displayed in”ghost gray”.  Please see attached screen shot.

        Thank you for all your feedback. I’ll see if I can make them better.

        Regarding this one, I think those options are greyed out because you didn’t pick a preset in that list. If you select a preset, those options should be clickable.

    • #157838

      Tricky!  :o)   That’s it.  Thanks.

    • #157881

      At the beta testing stage the following comments may be moot but …  it looks like you have chosen not to add new functionality to the Control App.  Since this may be your last chance to do so, I think that is a mistake.  O2LAMJU has some good ideas above.  I and others have some other ideas in the thread here regarding desirable features for an H9 replacement.  Restated there are some good ideas in that thread for improving H9 Control now.

      Here’s another idea that may be too late:

      On each preset edit screen, the editor gui window is great!  To the right of it, there is a large blank space.  IMHO it would be great to add a basic text editor window where the user could add, edit, delete, etc. their personal text for the preset shown on the left.  These would be like developer notes regarding functionality and/or sound quality etc. This would help remind the user returning to a preset after a long time and they should be part of the h9z file so that shared presets include the developer’s notes to future users.  

      I think you know what I mean but let me just say that Brock’s notes in various threads and in the preset sharing webpage are a great example of doing it right.  So I’m basically suggesting you provide a means for people to make such notes right along with each user preset (in the edit screen) and as part of the h9z file.

      Thanks for making great stuff. 





    • #157882

      thank you Apalazzolo for saying so !!!

      nearly 1month later and not even 1 message of gratitude from eventide for the many hours i spent writing this sh** in english, regardless of the project management they’re in and the possibility or not they have to fully finish their h9 ergonomy work.

      not even an answer to the 5th question. apathy, indifference ? cultural difference ? i know i don’t know. is it political behaviour ? lol

      Glad to know someone (even a h9 user !!!) was able to read and understand my vision/propositions. LOVE !

      • #157887
        Eventide Staff
        O2LAMJU wrote:

        thank you Apalazzolo for saying so !!!

        nearly 1month later and not even 1 message of gratitude from eventide for the many hours i spent writing this sh** in english, regardless of the project management they’re in and the possibility or not they have to fully finish their h9 ergonomy work.

        not even an answer to the 5th question. apathy, indifference ? cultural difference ? i know i don’t know. is it political behaviour ? lol

        Glad to know someone (even a h9 user !!!) was able to read and understand my vision/propositions. LOVE !

        I would suggest reposting your 5th question as a new forum thread. I’m sure it was just overlooked, but it doesn’t seem like the question is related to this public beta release. If you create a new post, someone will answer your question and it will be easier for other users to find the answer.

    • #157891

      Just a note to say I used the new software to prepare a few new preset lists and it functioned flawlessly, including renaming presets (which was problematic before).  This was on a Windows 10 computer.

      • #157892
        Eventide Staff
        apalazzolo wrote:

        Just a note to say I used the new software to prepare a few new preset lists and it functioned flawlessly, including renaming presets (which was problematic before).  This was on a Windows 10 computer.

        Yeah we fixed that in this version. It should be good for all platforms now.

        I will look into other issues/requests you suggested, but I probably cannot address them all.

    • #158036


      Hi.  Please see the attached jpeg demonstrating two possible hotswitch bugs.  For a long time I’ve noticed what seemed to be random hotswitch programming errors, but the attached jpeg shows that quirks exists but they are not random.  They confused me for a very long time and after looking at the manual, I can’t believe this is considered normal.  The same issues arise in Space and H9 algos and whether the presets changes are made to presets dragged into a new list or copied and pasted into a new list.  I am running H9 control on Windows 10.  Thanks.  


      • #158043
        Eventide Staff
        apalazzolo wrote:


        Hi.  Please see the attached jpeg demonstrating two possible hotswitch bugs.  For a long time I’ve noticed what seemed to be random hotswitch programming errors, but the attached jpeg shows that quirks exists but they are not random.  They confused me for a very long time and after looking at the manual, I can’t believe this is considered normal.  The same issues arise in Space and H9 algos and whether the presets changes are made to presets dragged into a new list or copied and pasted into a new list.  I am running H9 control on Windows 10.  Thanks.


        #1 is not an issue. When you program the hotswitch mapping, it doesn’t remove the existing mappings automatically. Otherwise, it would confuse users if all old mappings are gone when they program new mappings. So what you noticed was correct. If you’d like to remove old mappings, you can either right click the HotSwitch button to remove all existing mappings or double click the knob/parameter that you’d like to remove mapping from.

        #2 is not reproducable on my computer. When I program HotSwitch for all knobs, their existing Ribbon/HotKnob mappings are not affected. Could you please try it again? Maybe you right clicked the ribbon and removed the ribbon mappings accidentally?

        Let me know. Thank you!

      • #158046
        bohan wrote:
        apalazzolo wrote:


        Hi.  Please see the attached jpeg demonstrating two possible hotswitch bugs.  For a long time I’ve noticed what seemed to be random hotswitch programming errors, but the attached jpeg shows that quirks exists but they are not random.  They confused me for a very long time and after looking at the manual, I can’t believe this is considered normal.  The same issues arise in Space and H9 algos and whether the presets changes are made to presets dragged into a new list or copied and pasted into a new list.  I am running H9 control on Windows 10.  Thanks.


        #1 is not an issue. When you program the hotswitch mapping, it doesn’t remove the existing mappings automatically. Otherwise, it would confuse users if all old mappings are gone when they program new mappings. So what you noticed was correct. If you’d like to remove old mappings, you can either right click the HotSwitch button to remove all existing mappings or double click the knob/parameter that you’d like to remove mapping from.

        #2 is not reproducable on my computer. When I program HotSwitch for all knobs, their existing Ribbon/HotKnob mappings are not affected. Could you please try it again? Maybe you right clicked the ribbon and removed the ribbon mappings accidentally?

        Let me know. Thank you!

        Thanks for the prompt response bohan.

        #1 Not removing the mappings might avoid one source of confusion but it causes another.  I note that this topic is not covered in the manual (at least the part I looked at).  So these details are left to inference and assumptions developed from usage.  And that’s fine.

        FWIW here was my thought process:  Whatever I see after long-pressing the hotswitch is the starting point.   The existence of possible hidden mappings didn’t/doesn’t seem reasonable so that didn’t occur to me until I specifically tried to test and deduce source of my confusion (after many many frustrating efforts).

        It seems to me that the problem is not in maintaining prior mappings, but in hiding them after long-pressing the hotswitch.  Why not display the prior mappings upon long-pressing the hotswitch?  That way the starting point is always totally unambiguous.

        #2 My apologies for the confusion.  In this case I intentionally removed the blue range values but inadvertently changing or eliminating them happens to me fairly often.  The aspect that surprised me is that it is possible to change/remove those ranges for the primary present sound when programming the hotswitch.  I guess this arises from my assumption that whatever happens after I long-press the hotswitch applies to the hotswitch mapping sound.   Thus, after long-pressing the hotswitch I shouldn’t have an ability to make any changes to the primary sound (intentionally or accidentally) until I exit the hotswitch mapping.  That would prevent inadvertent errors from arising.

        By way of background/explanation, I’ll say that I often use the ribbon controller and hotswitch for radically different sounds, not just one-parameter tweaks.  It’s easy to get confused when trying to vary 6-8 parameters for each, especially when switching back and forth to zero them all in.

        Whether or not you make changes, thanks for looking into my concerns.  ~Tony

        P.S. I know it’s  a lost cause to mention it but we really do need ribbon control of the output fader.  :o)






      • #158047
        Eventide Staff
        apalazzolo wrote:

        #1 Why not display the prior mappings upon long-pressing the hotswitch?  That way the starting point is always totally unambiguous.

        Good point! I’ll see if I can improve.

      • #158071
        bohan wrote:
        apalazzolo wrote:

        #1 Why not display the prior mappings upon long-pressing the hotswitch?  That way the starting point is always totally unambiguous.

        Good point! I’ll see if I can improve.


        Thanks, that will definitely ease HS programming.

        With respect to my second concern (HS programming failing to remember some parameter changes), I did more testing to try to find heart of the matter.   It’s up to you but I think there is a reproducable there there.

        It boils down a failure to remember changes made to any/all parameters after touching the ribbon controller or the “side buttons” for it in any way when in HS programming mode.  This is in Windows 10.

        Please consider trying these:

        Recall Ultratap F1 preset.

        Long-press the HS.

        Press either one of the “side buttons” for the ribbon controller (turning it on) and then press it again (turning it off).

        Change any one or more parameters.

        Press HS (to exit programming mode) and press HS again (to view the changes that should have been remembered).  None are remembered.  Note changes made BEFORE touching the side buttons WILL BE remembered.


        Recall Ultratap F1 preset.

        Long-press the HS.

        Move the ribbon controller any amount in any direction.

        Change any one or more parameters.

        Press HS (to exit programming mode) and press HS again (to view the changes that should have been remembered).  None are remembered.  Note changes made BEFORE touching the ribbon WILL BE remembered.


        bohan, I want to thank you directly for considering my thoughts/concerns throughout this thread.  I sincerely appreciate it and hope I’m not becoming a pest/gadfly.   ~Tony


    • #158072

      PS If you agree this is a concern, would a reasonable solution be: disabling the ribbon controller upon entering HS programming mode and re-enabling it again upon exiting it?

      Thanks for making great products!


      • #158082
        Eventide Staff
        apalazzolo wrote:

        PS If you agree this is a concern, would a reasonable solution be: disabling the ribbon controller upon entering HS programming mode and re-enabling it again upon exiting it?

        Thanks for making great products!

        Good idea. I cannot promise that but I’ll try to make you happy.

    • #158230

      I’m quite new to H9, and I bought the H9 Max about a month or so back.

      Will I need this new control?

      • #158232
        Eventide Staff
        Daniel wrote:
        Will I need this new control?

        H9 Control is the best tool for controlling and programming the H9, so I recommend using it. Here, we’re simply giving musicians an opportunity to experience what may be the next official iteration of the app. They both function similarly. Up to you.

    • #158233

      The H9 Control is the app, correct (please pardon my being new to this)? I have that on my (Android) phone, and it works fine. I was just wondering if the Control 4.0 is for all H9 pedals, or just those before the Max (which I have).


    • #158234
      Eventide Staff

      It works for all H9 pedals. It’ll even work on Eventide’s Factor series pedals, too.

    • #158266

      Yo the DISCLOSURE thing….
      Can I get a “do not show again” checkbox??
      Every day, I manually connect when I fire up my rig…and I get this nag screen.

      Hate it.

      • #158270
        Eventide Staff
        camn wrote:
        Yo the DISCLOSURE thing…. Can I get a “do not show again” checkbox?? Every day, I manually connect when I fire up my rig…and I get this nag screen. Hate it.

        Hi Cameron, I released a new beta version that should hopefully make you happy. You can update it in Google Play https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.eventide.h9
        or download from https://etide.io/Dk5qH

        Let me know if it works for you.

    • #158344

      hey bohan,

      i’m now on a samsung s7.  the beta version of android says that i am not invited to install it.  can you help me solve this?  thanks.

    • #158345

      also, could you please let me know if any of the potential changes we discussed are now included? thanks. ~Tony

      • #158349
        Eventide Staff
        apalazzolo wrote:

        also, could you please let me know if any of the potential changes we discussed are now included? thanks. ~Tony

        You can either let me know your Google account, or just download the APK and install directly.

        Some of your suggestions were addressed. Not all of them. Let me know if you have more.

      • #158351
        bohan wrote:
        apalazzolo wrote:

        also, could you please let me know if any of the potential changes we discussed are now included? thanks. ~Tony

        th apk won’t install.


        my email addy is aumakua123@gmail.com


        thanks. ~T

        You can either let me know your Google account, or just download the APK and install directly.

        Some of your suggestions were addressed. Not all of them. Let me know if you have more.

      • #158353
        Eventide Staff
        apalazzolo wrote:

        th apk won’t install.

        my email addy is aumakua123@gmail.com

        What did it say when you installed the APK? I just added your Google account to our Play Store beta list. Let me know if the Play Store method works now.

      • #158376
        bohan wrote:
        apalazzolo wrote:

        th apk won’t install.

        my email addy is aumakua123@gmail.com

        What did it say when you installed the APK? I just added your Google account to our Play Store beta list. Let me know if the Play Store method works now.





    • #158478

      Hi! I have two H9s: both running 5.8.5[1]


      I am using H9 Control version 4.0.1 on a Mac running macOS Catalina (10.15.7).


      The problem I am having is connecting to them from the Mac using Bluetooth. I have previously been able to connect to both simultaneously, but now it seems that I can only connect to one at a time.


      After connecting to one, I choose Devices -> Connect Device via Bluetooth and I am presented the Bluetooth screen that lists both pedals. The one already connected shows “Connected” and the one I want to connect to shows “Not connected”. I double-click on the one that is “Not Connected” and it connects and the Bluetooth dialog closes. Then the connection to the device I already had connected with is closed (shows “Not Connected” in Bluetooth dialog). Then, in H9 Control, it immediately shows the “Device not found! dialog. However, at the top of the screen, I see the one I just connected to being shown as connected.


      In order to control this one, I then have to choose “Use app in demo mode”, Then, H9 Control goes back to normal and I can control the H9 I just connected to….

      1. H9-A connected
      2. Device -> Connect Device via Bluetooth
      3. Double click H9-B in Bluetooth dialog
      4. H9-B connected, H9-A disconnected, Bluetooth dialog closes
      5. H9 Control “Device not found!”
      6. Click “Use app in demo mode”, then “OK”
      7. H9-B can now be controlled.

    • #158530

      I don’t know whether you’ll consider the following normal or a bug but ….

      Please note that it is not possible to save a preset with the hotswitch activated.  When one tries to do so the preset is saved with the hotswitch inactive.

      I noticed this because I have some presets that I use in different presets lists.  Some songs call for the basic preset to run with the ability to occasionally activate the hotswitch.  Some songs call for the opposite (hotswitch on and occasionally deactivate it).  I was surprised to learn it is not possible to save a preset both ways.

      Thanks for making great stuff. I’m am still amazed by what this little wonder box you have created can do.      

      • #158533
        Eventide Staff
        apalazzolo wrote:

        I don’t know whether you’ll consider the following normal or a bug but ….

        Please note that it is not possible to save a preset with the hotswitch activated.  When one tries to do so the preset is saved with the hotswitch inactive.

        Hi, you have to turn on HotSwitch after loading a preset. It cannot be loaded activated. It’s a performance switch like Repeat, Slow/Fast etc in other algorithms that don’t have HotSwitch.

    • #158540


      Just downloaded the new H9 Control app, looks really nice.

      But it doesn’t seem to be able to read any of my previously saved .tide or .h9z files from my h9 folder

      .tide files show an error saying Not a valid preset file

      .h9z files show an error saying no presets or preset lists found

      Don’t have any.syx fioes to check

      Running on iPad Pro 9.7 (2016) iOS ver 14.7.1


      • #158546
        Eventide Staff
        PhaseShift wrote:


        Just downloaded the new H9 Control app, looks really nice.

        But it doesn’t seem to be able to read any of my previously saved .tide or .h9z files from my h9 folder

        .tide files show an error saying Not a valid preset file

        .h9z files show an error saying no presets or preset lists found

        Don’t have any.syx fioes to check

        Running on iPad Pro 9.7 (2016) iOS ver 14.7.1

        Can you please give me more details? How did you import those preset files and where are those files located?

        You need to put/move them in the H9 Control folder in the Files app. Here is a demo video: https://etide.io/8L8xD

        After you move them to the app folder, close the app and reopen it, those presets should be imported automatically.

      • #158586
        bohan wrote:

        Can you please give me more details? How did you import those preset files and where are those files located?

        You need to put/move them in the H9 Control folder in the Files app. Here is a demo video: https://etide.io/8L8xD

        After you move them to the app folder, close the app and reopen it, those presets should be imported automatically.


        Hi, thanks for your message, the process you recommended worked out great!!

        Just had a bit of initial trouble finding the folder, but remembered that I just had to save 1 file from the app first for the folder to be created.

        After re-opening the app, all the imported presets showed up, but there seems to be a numbering issue with some presets….some Algos show multiple U0, U1, U2 entries for different presets, it isn’t much of a bother,    though, I was wondering if there was a way to change the User Preset Number?

      • #158604
        Eventide Staff
        PhaseShift wrote:

        After re-opening the app, all the imported presets showed up, but there seems to be a numbering issue with some presets….some Algos show multiple U0, U1, U2 entries for different presets, it isn’t much of a bother,    though, I was wondering if there was a way to change the User Preset Number?

        on a Mac/PC, you can just go to the user preset folder and rename those files. There is no easy way to fix this on an iPad. You may need to duplicate those presets and delete the old ones to sort the numbers out if you want.

    • #158542

      Hi !

      I’ve just purchased an used H9 Core and now I learn to handle the H9 Control app.

      I could try and buy one first algorithm, but since i updated the app with the 4.0.1 version, i can no longer find the STORE button, neither the TRY and BUY functions.

      What’s the point that I missed ??

      Thanks for your answers…

      • #158543
        Eventide Staff

        Hi Zejj,

        We announced back in December of last year that the store would be going away and individual algorithm sales would stop. We made this official back in April. All we did now was actually remove that portion of the app that did not have functionality. The only way to add to your H9 Core is upgrading to a Max via the Max-out program.

        Login to your Eventide account to find out what your price would be: https://www.eventideaudio.com/store/upgrade-h9

      • #158544

        WHAT ?????

        How could I know that ???
        I’ve just purchased my H9 for 300€ this day !!! Why would i have read your announcement in December since  I only decided in August to get an used H9 because i don’t have budget for any other H9 option !
        I planned to buy these algorithms one by one and month by month, and now you tell me that i have to pay twice the price i’ve just paid for having more than ONE algo ?

        I had bought ALL of your AUv3 apps on iPad and was naively hoping i could transfer them into a H9 Core…

        Then it was a first frustration ; but now i realize i just can’t even load a single full price algorithm…

        How could i figure that a simple update would make my choice so irrelevant : now i have a one-algorithm-blocked-H9 until i spare my money for a full bundle i don’t need and i can’t afford….


        If only i could cancel that update……………………………..

        I’m blown away.

        Honestly, finding some clear informations about your H9 policy is a real pain, all is dispatched in community forums !
        Can I, at least, know how much does cost a « discount max-out operation ?
        I guess i couldn’t know when such a discount would happened…
        I really hope you can understand my disappointment.

      • #158545
        Eventide Staff
        zejj wrote:

        Can I, at least, know how much does cost a « discount max-out operation ?

        I guess i couldn’t know when such a discount would happened…

        The MaxOut program is going on indefinitely. Go to this web page and click on “MaxOut” in red. You will need to login to your Eventide account to get a discount price: https://www.eventideaudio.com/products/stompboxes/multi-effect-processor/h9-max

      • #158547
        joecozzi wrote:
        zejj wrote:

        Can I, at least, know how much does cost a « discount max-out operation ?

        I guess i couldn’t know when such a discount would happened…

        The MaxOut program is going on indefinitely. Go to this web page and click on “MaxOut” in red. You will need to login to your Eventide account to get a discount price: https://www.eventideaudio.com/products/stompboxes/multi-effect-processor/h9-max

        Yup, this is what i read.

        So, 280€ IS the actual discount price, uh ?

        Your products are great ; responsiveness to forum users as well… but the information wasn’t obvious, nor the empathy for the confused customer I am…

        You should make it truely clear to any potential buyer of a Core version. It doesn’t have sense anymore for the “small buyers”.
        The guy who sold me this H9 didn’t have a clue about that new policy either….

      • #158549
        Eventide Staff
        zejj wrote:

        If only i could cancel that update……………………………..

        Hi zejj, if you really want to buy individual algorithms – (this is something we don’t recommand tho)

        You can download the old version of H9 Control, and use PayPal to pay for algorithms
        Win: https://etide.io/x8AZg
        Mac: https://etide.io/ahLTX

        Again, this is something we don’t recommand because we have announced that we stopped supporting algorithm purchases, and at some point this will not work either and we won’t announce again. But hopefully this can make you feel better, at least for now.

      • #158552
        Eventide Staff
        zejj wrote:

        Thanks A LOT !!!

        This is just what i need to enjoy my device for now : I will buy what I need and what I can afford !

        Now i’m fully informed of the new rules, and I will max out… when I’ll have budget for that.

        Thanks again.

        Thank you. Let us know if you have more questions or issues anytime.

    • #158602

      I updated to Control 4. I just used drag and drop from the ‘presets’ menu onto the H9 ‘preset list’ and very bizarre behaviour occurred. As well as replacing the preset at the location I made the drop, normal behaviour, the preset to the right of it was also deleted. Everything was moved to the left and an empty preset added at the end of the list. I realise this has happened a few times since I’ve been editing in the past couple of hours and now everything is out of whack. This is a total f***k up as far as my midi mapping is concerned and I have a gig tonight !!

      Is this Normal?!

      • #158606
        Eventide Staff
        tiresias wrote:

        I updated to Control 4. I just used drag and drop from the ‘presets’ menu onto the H9 ‘preset list’ and very bizarre behaviour occurred. As well as replacing the preset at the location I made the drop, normal behaviour, the preset to the right of it was also deleted. Everything was moved to the left and an empty preset added at the end of the list. I realise this has happened a few times since I’ve been editing in the past couple of hours and now everything is out of whack. This is a total f***k up as far as my midi mapping is concerned and I have a gig tonight !!

        Is this Normal?!

        This is not normal. I couldn’t reproduce this issue. Could you please create a test preset list and try doing it a bit more, and let me know how the 2nd preset goes away? Details will be appreciated.

        Please note that if you drag a preset out of the grid, it will be deleted and all the following presets move left a slot. Also, all changes are not saved until you click “Save” or “Back”->”Yes”. So you should be able to check your changes and confirm before too late.

      • #158612
        bohan wrote:
        tiresias wrote:

        I updated to Control 4. I just used drag and drop from the ‘presets’ menu onto the H9 ‘preset list’ and very bizarre behaviour occurred. As well as replacing the preset at the location I made the drop, normal behaviour, the preset to the right of it was also deleted. Everything was moved to the left and an empty preset added at the end of the list. I realise this has happened a few times since I’ve been editing in the past couple of hours and now everything is out of whack. This is a total f***k up as far as my midi mapping is concerned and I have a gig tonight !!

        Is this Normal?!

        This is not normal. I couldn’t reproduce this issue. Could you please create a test preset list and try doing it a bit more, and let me know how the 2nd preset goes away? Details will be appreciated.

        Please note that if you drag a preset out of the grid, it will be deleted and all the following presets move left a slot. Also, all changes are not saved until you click “Save” or “Back”->”Yes”. So you should be able to check your changes and confirm before too late.

        I will try to reproduce it in a test list but that might behave differently to the Pedal list. Did you try reproducing it with the live pedal list?. When I clicked Save and confirmed Control rewrote the whole altered list to the Pedal.

      • #158614
        Eventide Staff
        tiresias wrote:

        I will try to reproduce it in a test list but that might behave differently to the Pedal list. Did you try reproducing it with the live pedal list?. When I clicked Save and confirmed Control rewrote the whole altered list to the Pedal.

        Yes, I just tried drag&drop in the Pedal/H9 list screen and it worked as expected.

      • #158616
        bohan wrote:
        tiresias wrote:

        I will try to reproduce it in a test list but that might behave differently to the Pedal list. Did you try reproducing it with the live pedal list?. When I clicked Save and confirmed Control rewrote the whole altered list to the Pedal.

        Yes, I just tried drag&drop in the Pedal/H9 list screen and it worked as expected.

        That’s strange. I just tried it again and it worked as expected both with Mac list and H9 list. I’m confused. I can’t work out what I did with the drag and drop to cause everything subsequent to that particular preset to be shifted, ergo rewriting all the shifted positions.

        Ah, I’ve just found it. If you drag and drop and save then all is good but if whilst you are still in drag and drop mode and then double click on any preset to try and view it from that list it deletes the preset to its right.  Is that to be expected? That’s a glitch no?


      • #158630
        tiresias wrote:
        bohan wrote:
        tiresias wrote:

        I will try to reproduce it in a test list but that might behave differently to the Pedal list. Did you try reproducing it with the live pedal list?. When I clicked Save and confirmed Control rewrote the whole altered list to the Pedal.

        Yes, I just tried drag&drop in the Pedal/H9 list screen and it worked as expected.

        That’s strange. I just tried it again and it worked as expected both with Mac list and H9 list. I’m confused. I can’t work out what I did with the drag and drop to cause everything subsequent to that particular preset to be shifted, ergo rewriting all the shifted positions.

        Ah, I’ve just found it. If you drag and drop and save then all is good but if whilst you are still in drag and drop mode and then double click on any preset to try and view it from that list it deletes the preset to its right.  Is that to be expected? That’s a glitch no?


        Hi, just wondering if you managed to duplicate this and what you thought about it?

      • #158631
        Eventide Staff
        tiresias wrote:

        Ah, I’ve just found it. If you drag and drop and save then all is good but if whilst you are still in drag and drop mode and then double click on any preset to try and view it from that list it deletes the preset to its right.  Is that to be expected? That’s a glitch no?

        That’s how it works. You are in Drag & Drop mode, so you cannot double click on a preset to edit it. The first time you click you select it. The second time you click it, you are supposed to drop it somewhere. If you release the mouse quickly and drop it no where, you are deleting this preset and all following presets move back 1 slot. If you’d like to keep that prest there, you can either:
        1) Cancel your change by clicking “Back” and not saving.
        2) Drop the preset on the left edge of the slot to put it back to its slot before releasing your mouse click.

      • #158632
        bohan wrote:
        tiresias wrote:

        Ah, I’ve just found it. If you drag and drop and save then all is good but if whilst you are still in drag and drop mode and then double click on any preset to try and view it from that list it deletes the preset to its right.  Is that to be expected? That’s a glitch no?

        That’s how it works. You are in Drag & Drop mode, so you cannot double click on a preset to edit it. The first time you click you select it. The second time you click it, you are supposed to drop it somewhere. If you release the mouse quickly and drop it no where, you are deleting this preset and all following presets move back 1 slot. If you’d like to keep that prest there, you can either:
        1) Cancel your change by clicking “Back” and not saving.
        2) Drop the preset on the left edge of the slot to put it back to its slot before releasing your mouse click.

        Hey thanks for clarifying bohan, that makes sense. I’ve never used drag and drop within the grid. I’ve only used to drag from left column preset list onto the grid. I”ve always been confused trying to use it within the grid. it doesn’t make sense to me that if you drag something from a location a drop it then evertthing shifts left. it totally messes up any controller mapping for one thing. this also happens if there are empty slots between presets. E.g. I can drop a preset at position L20 creating multiple empty slots to the left but if I then drop something into one of those empty slots the preset at L20 still moves to L19. It’s totally illogical.

      • #158634
        tiresias wrote:
        bohan wrote:
        tiresias wrote:

        Ah, I’ve just found it. If you drag and drop and save then all is good but if whilst you are still in drag and drop mode and then double click on any preset to try and view it from that list it deletes the preset to its right.  Is that to be expected? That’s a glitch no?

        That’s how it works. You are in Drag & Drop mode, so you cannot double click on a preset to edit it. The first time you click you select it. The second time you click it, you are supposed to drop it somewhere. If you release the mouse quickly and drop it no where, you are deleting this preset and all following presets move back 1 slot. If you’d like to keep that prest there, you can either:
        1) Cancel your change by clicking “Back” and not saving.
        2) Drop the preset on the left edge of the slot to put it back to its slot before releasing your mouse click.

        Hey thanks for clarifying bohan, that makes sense. I’ve never used drag and drop within the grid. I’ve only used to drag from left column preset list onto the grid. I”ve always been confused trying to use it within the grid. it doesn’t make sense to me that if you drag something from a location a drop it then evertthing shifts left. it totally messes up any controller mapping for one thing. this also happens if there are empty slots between presets. E.g. I can drop a preset at position L20 creating multiple empty slots to the left but if I then drop something into one of those empty slots the preset at L20 still moves to L19. It’s totally illogical.

        Like you, I have accidentally deleted presets by double clicking on occasion.  Fortunately, the “undo” feature saved the day for me.  As far as I know, that  “undo” only appears in one time and place: in the top right hand corner after you enter drag and drop mode, and take some action.  That may come in handy some day.

    • #158663

      Preset copy and paste has stopped working. Or sometimes it does work but erratically, like with a preset other than the one copied. I’m referring here to copying a preset from a list on the Mac and pasting it onto a slot on the Pedal. Any ideas anyone? 

    • #160647

      I’d like to request a dedicated Randomize parameters button in the main window (vs pulldown). Bonus would be to make it accessible as an assignable CC in the H9 firmware to use with a performance switch. I love this amazing pedal, but when I get option fatigued; Randomize turns this into a kaleidoscope of discovery with settings you’d have not thought to try.

      Also, great job on the new design–it is cleaner and easier on the eyes.


    • #160895

      After I use the app for a short period of time, I get either disconnections on iOS, or spinning beach ball on Mac, this makes using the app very frustrating.

      What are the minimum requirements? Both my devices are pretty old, iOS 9.3.5 and macOS 10.13.6. I just assumed that because the app installed, it would work.

      Also, I’m sometimes using the app in demo mode, just to make preset lists. Is the demo mode timing out or something like that?

      Any insight is appreciated!

    • #160896

      Ok, I’ve narrowed it down now, seems to be a bug. As soon as I browse through any Harpeggiator presets in the app, I get the spinning beach ball and unresponsive interface, it resolves after a while but comes back if I move to another Harpeggiator preset. Happens whether the H9 is connected or not. Maybe an issue with non-Apple-Metal based Apple devices?

      • #164186

        I have the same problem all the time with H9 Control 4.0.1 and my iMac (2020) with 10.15.7 … very annoying, because the Harpeggiator is one of my most liked alto’s in the H9. It’s the only alto in the H9 this happens, as said no difference with the H9 connected or not.

        Can someone gof the Eventide Staff respond?

      • #164199
        Eventide Staff

        This might be a UI bug in the alternate custom UI of Harpeggiator. This bug seems to only occur on some machines so it’s hard to reproduce. I recommend you use the standard knob view for Harpeggiator presets for now. We’ll look into this issue but it might not be solved soon. I hope you understand. Thank you.

      • #164206

        Thank you for your answer. But what you suggest doesn’t work because when I open the Harpeggiator it always opens in the alternate custom UI and not the basic view. The app freezes the whole H9 control app right away. I can’t even click on the ‘basic view’ button because it’s already freezed (app not responding and a spinning beach ball). I can only stop the app with ‘force quit’. So what to do then?

      • #164219
        Eventide Staff

        OK. I can make the knob view default. For now, the workaround would be using the App on a phone because that doesn’t have this custom UI.

    • #162831

      Just started using the new Beta…
      Connecting a H9 on USB micro cable, all working well so far
      I only have one USB cable and want the MIDI / AUX sw to work I unplug this lead periodically
      Nice, that the v 4.0 remembers the h9 that was plugged in before,
      = no need to reboot h9control (as was the case with previous version)

      MBP 2015,
      osX mojave 10.14
      H9 5.9.1 [0]


      • #162856
        Eventide Staff

        You can use Bluetooth for connection so that you wouldn’t have to unplug the USB cable often

    • #162857

      that works so

      – if you are connected to H9Control over Bluetooth, the AUX Switch continues to work as normal
      – if you are connected to H9Control over microUSB, the AUX Switch is ‘bypassed’

      Thanks Bohan


    • #165419

      Guys, may be it’s finally time to stop shaming yourself and make a normal software for such a cool gear as H9 is? This H9 control is the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever seen! The whole user interface is a desaster! Have you any programmer that has ever read a book about USABILITY? Who was the genius, that has created the GUI? Throw him away! Have you tried to delete a preset? It doesn’t work. Have you tried to copy-paste a preset from PC-List to the device? It doesn’t work… Please-please find some student, let him do this job from scratch!

    • #165614

      Is it just me or don’t you let any new iPadOS beta testers get in anymore?

      best regards, aljen

      • #165630
        Eventide Staff

        Hi Aljen, the beta testing has been completed. You can download the 4.0 version on App Store.

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