H9 Max routing info!

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    • #187121

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi</p>

      So I got a Nano cortex & a Tonex One, both of the inputs are connected to an ABY pedal where my guitar is plugged.

      This way I can have A or B or A+B

      What would the best routing/config be with H9, having in mind that when I’m playing Live, I normally play mono as my AMP has DI Out to go directly to the FOH and it’s mono.


      Thanks for the help 🙏




    • #187129
      Eventide Staff

      It depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Do you want H9 effects with both of the amp sim pedals? If so, connect the guitar directly to the H9, and then connect the H9 output to the ABY box input.

      More information about what you would like to do would help me give you routing suggestions.

    • #187131

      Well when I’m using the two ( Nano + Tonex ) it’s to emphasize the rhythmic section mostly but I also use them for solos where I have a +1 octave on one of them while the other is standard, meaning I would want like the FX from the H9 to be present on both.

      If I use it like you say I’ll be adding my FX on pre and I normally like it on post

    • #187134
      Eventide Staff

      You can use Pre / Post mode to connect the Nano to H9 I/O 1 and the Tonex to H9 I/O 2. If the preset is set to PRE it will be a preset for the Nano. If set to POST it will be a preset for the Tonex. This will allow to have effects after either of the amp sim pedals.

      See page 35 of the user manual: https://downloads.eventide.com/audio/manuals/h9/H9-UserGuide.pdf

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