H9 midi bypass

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    • #113335

      I’m setting up my rig with a RJM Mastermind. I have my Egnater Mod 50 on midi channel 1 my Strymon Timeline on midi channel 2 and my H9 on midi channel 3. I have everything working the way I want….different presets on the various devices….the Timeline bypassing when I want it to using CC#102 and either a value of 0 or 127. I can’t figure out how to get the H9 to bypass as part of a preset from my Mastermind. I have a decent understanding of midi but I’m certainly not a midi genius. I just get confused when reading the manual….there’s a ton of midi info in there. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    • #142878

      This is definately something I’d like to know how to do too.

    • #142879
      brianluoma wrote:

      I can't figure out how to get the H9 to bypass as part of a preset from my Mastermind. 

      Well, there are different ways to go about this. If you want to bypass a preset by sending out a MIDI CC, then you'd want to tie a particular MIDI CC message to the Bypass pedal function and send out a value of 127.  If you click on the Pedal button in the bottom menubar of H9 Control and go to MIDI Settings and then to Assign MIDI CC messages to pedal functions, you'll see the list of available pedal functions. There's also a pedal function for activating a preset or for toggling its state between active and bypass.  All of these functions should trigger when you send out a value of 127.

      Other people save the presets either as Active or Bypassed on their H9s, and then they load them with MIDI program change messages.  If you load a preset with a MIDI program change message, it will load in the active or bypassed state that it was saved with.

    • #142880

      Excellent. Thank you for the help. I’ll give these a try when I get a moment. 

    • #142979

      Hey GKellum, that spawns a question I`ve been pondering: is there a way to have the H9 react to a second midi command differently? Perhaps the application will explain th equestion better:

      Let`s say I`m using whatever midi controller that has ten buttons to change presets on the H9. I`m on preset 3, and step on the button for preset 7. Preset 7 comes on. Is it possible to program the H9 to toggle active/bypass by stepping on the same button again? Basically getting the H9 to react differently to the same midi command a second time ie; it knows it`s already ON preset “X”, so it knows you want it to toggle. 


      Perhaps it`s simply a way to overcomplicate a solution I don`t even really need, but there have been an instance or two where it would be convenient.

      • #142981
        voodoojeff wrote:

        Let`s say I`m using whatever midi controller that has ten buttons to change presets on the H9. I`m on preset 3, and step on the button for preset 7. Preset 7 comes on. Is it possible to program the H9 to toggle active/bypass by stepping on the same button again? Basically getting the H9 to react differently to the same midi command a second time ie; it knows it`s already ON preset "X", so it knows you want it to toggle. 

        No not really.  I've heard of other stompboxes that respond to MIDI program changes that way, and I think it's clever that they do that.  But the H9 doesn't have a mechanism for supporting that particular behavior.  You could always have on footswitch be your active / bypass though and the other footswitches be for loading presets.

      • #142989
        voodoojeff wrote:

        Let`s say I`m using whatever midi controller that has ten buttons to change presets on the H9. I`m on preset 3, and step on the button for preset 7. Preset 7 comes on. Is it possible to program the H9 to toggle active/bypass by stepping on the same button again? Basically getting the H9 to react differently to the same midi command a second time ie; it knows it`s already ON preset “X”, so it knows you want it to toggle. 

        Here’s one way to do it.  I’m using an FCB 1010; you may be able to set up something similar in your rig.

        Each footswitch sends a MIDI CC message along with its Program Change message.  The MIDI CC value alternates between 127 and 0 on every switch press.  In the H9, LEARN this MIDI CC number to ACT(ive), TOG(ggle), or BYP(ass); depending on what state you want called up first when a footswitch is selected.

        It will screw with your “trails & tails”, though; whether or not you use DSP+FX as a Bypass mode.  It’s sending the Program Change – reloading the preset – each time that Active / Bypass gets toggled.  That works in some situations.  In others, … not so much.

      • #142991
        brock wrote:


        Here’s one way to do it.  I’m using an FCB 1010; you may be able to set up something similar in your rig.

        Each footswitch sends a MIDI CC message along with its Program Change message.  The MIDI CC value alternates between 127 and 0 on every switch press.  In the H9, LEARN this MIDI CC number to ACT(ive), TOG(ggle), or BYP(ass); depending on what state you want called up first when a footswitch is selected.

        It will screw with your “trails & tails”, though; whether or not you use DSP+FX as a Bypass mode.  It’s sending the Program Change – reloading the preset – each time that Active / Bypass gets toggled.  That works in some situations.  In others, … not so much.

        nice! I`m also using the 1010. One of behringer`s better pieces and a great tool for my needs. In all honesty, it`s an action I`d likely never use. It would really only apply when the next sound I`m going to use is on another bank, and is the same amp setting without the H9 (like going back to my straight lead tone in bank 0 from the harmonized setting in bank 1). But being a bit of a tinkerer (one who tinkers = tinkerer?) it was a curiosity to see if it was possible.

    • #142982

      Or I could, you know, just step on the bypass button on the H9 *facepalm*


      Hahaha. Thanks for the quick reply. As it is my controller is operating the H9 and a pair of Hughes &Kettner Grandmeisters so programming yet another button to do something new compromises the simplicity required to make this whole orchestral ballet work as painlessly as it does. I was really just curious, as we musicians tend to be 🙂

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