H90 4CM Routing Question

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    • #171210

        I intend to use my new H90 with a single guitar amp using the 4 cable method (4CM).

        One question I need answered while I’m waiting for it to arrive is. can the H90 change the A & B route status per preset using the 4CM?

        What ‘m hoping is that when I need to have, say an octofuzz pre (A), and say my reverb post (B), then when I change to another preset, will I be able to use both A & B is the post route for example.

        So, are each presets configurable to send the effects Pre &/or Post or am I limited to one effect Pre and one effect Post using the 4CM?

        Thanks in advance for any assistance!

      • #171211
        Eventide Staff

          Yes, it is possible to create Programs where both algorithms are in the PRE path. Other Programs can have both in the POST path. Or, one in each.

        • #171212

            <p style=”text-align: left;”>Thank you. Is this using the Four cable method?  I.e. one out to the input of the amp, and one out to the effects loop of the amp, meaning can I assign two effects in this case to either pre or post using this cabling configuration?</p>
            Thanks for responding!

          • #171214
            Eventide Staff

              Yes, that is correct. If you look at the H90 manual online you can see we recommend the global dual routing mode for PRE/POST 4CM connections. This gives you two paths – Pre and Post. You can choose where the algorithms go on a Program basis.

            • #171215

                Thank you!

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