H90 Control Cannot add my H90 Pedal

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    • #167979

      Hi. I have a H90 and the H90 Control app will not allow me to add my pedal. The ADD button doesn’t do anything, the pedal isn’t showing up in the ports.


      Any ideas?


    • #167980
      Eventide Staff

      Hi aliens,

      A few questions:

      Which operating system are you using?

      Are you connecting straight to the computer or are you using a hub of some sort?


    • #167983

      Hi Joe. I have tried on two macs. A M1 Studio Ultra and a M1 Mac Mini, both ‘Ventura’. My H90 (which I have just bought and unpacked) crashes on startup, sometimes get stuck an the ‘finishing up’ stage of the startup and if it does start I sadly can’t connect it to H90 Connect. I am connecting directly to my computers.

      The ADD DEVICE popup in the H90 Connect app doesn’t give me any devices. I have sent a screenshot.

      I hope you can help



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    • #167985
      Eventide Staff

      Hi Shaun,

      We’re going to take care of you. Please email support@eventide.com and mention everything you’ve just said. You may link to this thread when you explain your issues.

    • #167986

      Thanks Joe. I have sent the mail.

    • #167987

      Hi. I get this (REALLY quickly), then it goes no further and there is no CONNECT button in the app. It looks like above.

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    • #167989

      Try rebooting your computer and also different usb cables and try again while waiting on support!

      Sometimes it’s something as simple as that, that can work!

    • #167990

      Hi Brockstar.

      Thanks for the help. I tried a different USB cable to the one that was in the box and it worked. It seems the USB cable that came with my H90 is damaged.

      Eventide help team, it seems my problem has been solved.

      Many thanks.

      • #167991

        That is good news! 🙂 However follow through with support and let them know that it’s working now!

    • #167994

      Hi. The problem regarding not being able to connect my H90 to the H90 Control app was solved by using a different cable. I still have the problems with the H90 not starting sometimes and when it does start up crashing shortly after. I am in contact with support, I’m sure it will get sorted out.

      Thanks again.

    • #167995
      Eventide Staff

      Open your Mac’s Audio/MIDI setup and delete the H90 icon in the MIDI view. Reconnect again and try the app.

    • #167997

      Hi Joe. I can’t delete that icon. I updated the h90s software again but to no avail. It crashed again after about 5 minutes.



    • #174844

      I own two H90’s that have worked for months on my computer with the control app but now all of a sudden today the control app will not open on both or recognize one of the H90’s at all. Just absolutely out of the blue. Believe me I tried it all. Any luck on your end?

      • #174845

        When opening the editor, hit the X on the top left corner of each registered H90 box, and then once gone, try re-adding them by clicking the “add device” box on top right. I have had to do that before.

      • #174847
        Eventide Staff

        Curious if the situation improves if you turn Bluetooth off. It’s not operational on H90 right now.

    • #174846

      I have already tried that. Nothing.

      Believe me I have tried every possible way of fixing this situation and nothing works.

      Factory reset, usb cables, delete app, reinstall app, Deregistering the pedal the Re-registering it. It’s really a terrible situation and the computer is only a year old and does recognize the two H90’s via Bluetooth and Devices. On and on.


    • #176994

      Have the same issue , not working connection , tried two computers with Windows 11, Windows 10 latest updates . I wanted purchase additional H90 unit, but this stopped me now.

      Pls. suggest help me, cannot update firmware , which makes my H90 useless.


      Thank you


    • #177596

      I’m having the same issue. I’ve tried two different laptops also. Same result. It worked fine previously, but now nothing. Will not connect. All of a sudden today the control app will not recognize the H90 at all. I get the sound from windows (ding/chime) that a USB device has been connected, but no response form the H90 in the control app.

      I have also tried every possible way of fixing this situation and nothing works.

      Factory reset, new usb cables, delete app, reinstall app, Deregistering the pedal then Re-registering it. Not good.


      Thank you

      • #177598
        Eventide Staff

        Are you running any anti-virus software? Some users have had to disable/uninstall anti-virus software to resolve similar issues.

    • #177603

      Hi, at my side I solved the issue by disabling antivirus sw during the connection phase, when H90 starts communicate with the tool, it could be enabled again.
      But note to the Eventide team- I am using many other devices like Boss SY1000, GM800 and none of them have conflict with antivirus software.

      i strongly pudh eventide team to review their usb implementation snd improve, so we end users are not confronted with such issues. I wanted to purchase additional H90 but this discomfort and lsck of the action on the Eventide SW team led on my side to limit the use of H90. Fux the issue please, you are providing zs just wrong solution , not adequate to your level and position on the market.

      • #177610
        Eventide Staff

        We’ve reached out to one of the 3rd party antivirus software manufacturers that was causing issues with H90 Control and they never got back to us so there is not much we can do. Our best recommendation is to use the included antivirus software that comes with Windows machines.

    • #177624

      We’ve reached out to one of the 3rd party antivirus software manufacturers that was causing issues with H90 Control and they never got back to us so there is not much we can do. Our best recommendation is to use the included antivirus software that comes with Windows machines.


      It’s weird though that I was having the same issue with AVG virus software and then suddenly it started working fine again and still working fine again with AVG, yet others who are using AVG still showing up with issues…

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