H90 Control Feature request – live update

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    • #166706

      Hey, I’m hunkered down with my H90 and I love it! One thing that I think would help better understand editing would be if the app and device would update dynamically and live if a parameter is changed on the other. For instance, I’m trying to learn what certain momentary functions do and it would be so much easier to see the Shift parameter move in real time when I press and hold FS2 on the H90. I’m sure there are other uses, but I know it would make it a lot clearer for me…

    • #166707

      Actually, playing around more, I can see that some of the changes do show up on both – like when you use the HSx on/off. But, it doesn’t appear it’s on everything – unless I’m missing something…

    • #166729
      Eventide Staff

      All of the Program, Parameter, and Settings changes done in H90 Control will be reflected on the pedal UI and vice versa.

      In your example (using Performance Parameters) there is no UI in H90 Control that would display if a momentary footswitch is engaged.

      I’m assuming you are referring to the Shift Performance Parameter of Prism Shift? When this is engaged, the parameter knob itself does not change on the pedal UI or in H90 Control, but the Shift is changed under the hood.

      The interval shifts are explained here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.1.2/content/algorithms/pitch.html#prism-shift

      Let me know if that clears things up for you.

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