H90 Control Instructions?

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    • #166657
      gas hed

        I can’t seem to find a download for the H90 Control instructions…is there a how to out there or do I have to figure it out on my own?  I’ve got a show on Black Friday and would love to use the H90…can I figure everything out in time???






      • #166658
        Eventide Staff

          Hi gas hed, thank you so much for your support of Eventide. Congratulations on your new H90 Harmonizer! Currently, the only documentation available is the quick reference guide that came with our pedal and the official user manual, which you can find here: https://cdn.eventideaudio.com/manuals/h90/1.1.2/index.html

          Eventually, we will have documentation for the H90 Control app, but it is in the works, as well as supporting video content. In the meantime, feel free to ask any questions here in this thread and we’ll do our best to answer them. I, myself, am working on a video version of the manual, but that’s still a few weeks out.

        • #166659
          gas hed

            Thanks for the quick reply joecozzi – I’ve been messing with it for the last hour or so and am getting the hang of it.  It is actually a bit more intuitive than the interface for the H9.  Wondering if there is a way to manually input the values for different parameters?  It’s kind of difficult hitting the nail on the head for the delay times.

            • #166663

                gas hed … The Quick Knobs on the face of the H90 are very accurate.  Since the H90 is connected to the Control App when Control is in use, you can actually dial in Control App parameter values with the H90 Quick Knobs.  So I occasionally reach for a Quick Knob when a mouse and the Control App aren’t doing it for me.

              • #166665
                Eventide Staff

                  gas hed … The Quick Knobs on the face of the H90 are very accurate. Since the H90 is connected to the Control App when Control is in use, you can actually dial in Control App parameter values with the H90 Quick Knobs. So I occasionally reach for a Quick Knob when a mouse and the Control App aren’t doing it for me.

                  Yes, I love that H90 Control responds to all front panel pedal controls.

              • #166660
                gas hed

                  Also, a question if you don’t mind…for my routing (4CM), is path A pre and path B post?  I simply save this way and A will always be pre, B will always be post?


                • #166661
                  Eventide Staff

                    In Dual Mode, the H90 does not make the distinction between which one of the paths is pre or post. It just makes more sense to think it about it that way: A is “pre” and B is “post.” But technically, you can connect either path to pre or post or vice versa.

                  • #166662
                    gas hed

                      I don’t understand…terminology is getting me a bit lost.  Maybe I should ask the question this way.  When in Dual Mode – Is the top line path = pre?  Is the bottom line path = post?

                    • #166664
                      Eventide Staff

                        In Dual Mode, the top line corresponds to the signal flow from Inputs 1&2 to Outputs 1&2. The bottom line represents the signal flow from Inputs 3&4 to Output 3&4. Yes, it’s easier to consider the top line as PRE and bottom line as POST.

                      • #166700

                          Does the H90 allow you to control amp channels with the Suhr Micromidi without having to use the Morningstar?  I see you added that in the after pic.  I’m trying to figure out if I need to get a midi controller beyond what the H90 does.

                        • #166730
                          gas hed

                            Does the H90 allow you to control amp channels with the Suhr Micromidi without having to use the Morningstar? I see you added that in the after pic. I’m trying to figure out if I need to get a midi controller beyond what the H90 does.

                            I think the answer is yes.  The H90 can transmit MIDI messages, so it seems this should work fine.

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