H90 control with DIN MIDI connection

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    • #169085

        I am wondering if the H90 control app is only meant to work with the H90 pedal via the USB C MIDI connection. I am attempting to connect the H90 control app to the pedal via a Unitor 8 MIDI interface and it crashes the app and hangs the pedal after seeing the pedal and transferring the pedal’s info until about 20% (according to the app’s message prompt). The message “H90 Control Operation In Progress – Connecting to H90 Control” appears on the H90 and the pedal freezes; and then the H90 control app crashes. At this point I have to cycle power on the pedal to bring it back to a working state. I have in and out MIDI cables attached to the H90 via the Unitor. The H90 control app sees the pedal and the H90 is visible and responsive to MIDI CC messages and clock via the Unitor in Logic. I should also add that I am attempting this operation while the USB C cable is NOT connected between the CPU and the H90.

        Running Monterey 12.3.1 and Logic 10.7.7

        H90 Software 1.3.0 / H90 Control 1.2.2


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      • #169091
        Scott Hunter

          From the H90 documentation.


          Connect to your computer for updates and Program and Preset management via the H90 Control app.

        • #169098
          Eventide Staff

            That is correct, H90 Control can only connect via USB-C.

          • #169102

              Thanks for the info.



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