H90 Instant Phaser LFO phase reset

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 Instant Phaser LFO phase reset

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    • #178433
      Borja Caro

      Hi, not sure if this is across the rest of algorithms but the LFO of Instant phaser resets its phase when the rate is changed.

      why is this?


    • #178439
      Eventide Staff


      Can you be more specific with your question and why you believe the phase is being reset? It doesn’t sound like this is happening to me.

      Are you changing the rate by adjusting the LFO Rate parameter? Is the Source set to Oscillator?

    • #178527
      Borja Caro

      Hi, thanks for your reply!

      yes, its set to oscillator. and yes, im changing the rate.

      tested this again and Im feeling jumps in the phaser’s ‘position’ (LFO phase) when i change the LFO rate… doesn’t feel very natural.

      hope this can be solved in the future.


    • #178552
      Eventide Staff

      Sorry, I cannot confirm that this is an issue to be resolved, and I do not hear any jumping in the LFO phase when I adjust the rate parameter. It sounds natural to me.

      There is a performance parameter “Retrigger” that will reset the LFO phase. This is a very abrupt sound that is easy to hear, and that is not what is happening when you adjust the LFO rate.

      If you can record a video of the issue you are hearing and send it to support@eventide.com, that may help us determine what you are experiencing.

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