H90 recall a tweaked Preset?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 recall a tweaked Preset?

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    • #186504
      Herr Mosa

      Hi all,

      when I use the expression pedal and performance parameters in a live situation, I miss the possibility of recalling the stored parameters with an external footswitch.
      Although there are extensive possibilities for external control, as far as I know so far, the only possibility is to dial in and activate another preset and then reactivate the desired preset again. Or have I simply not found this recall function?

    • #186505
      Herr Mosa

      Sorry for the confusing title, of course I meant recall after tweaking a preset…

    • #186507
      Eventide Staff


      If you use a MIDI controller you can send the PC for the current Program you are on and that will reload the saved state of the Program. For example, start on Program 5, tweak some settings, and then send PC5 to the H90 to reload Program 5.

      Otherwise, you can load another Program and then go back to get the saved state.

    • #186508
      Herr Mosa

      Thanks for your reply tbskoglund, unfortunately I don’t use a midi controller on my board .

      That’s why I’m searching for an external foot switch command for that without having to jump back and forth. I would like to stay in that program sound wise.
      But I don’t think it exists, unfortunately…

    • #186523

      Another workaround that will work in some cases, set up the expression pedal so that your default preset settings are the lowest value that your expression pedal can go to. So when you are in full heal down, you will have the default patch settings.

    • #186524
      Herr Mosa

      Yep, this is what I do most of the time. But – just for example: I have built a nice fuzz&more preset  where I want to set a “situation-dependent” amount of drive etc.. Saved default is a little, down exp less and up more. Plus tweaking the other parameters in Performance-Mode. I would adore a “calm-down-button” to easily recall the saved settings when I’m freakin out in the heat of the night 🙂 And without too much tap-dancing or adjusting after tweaking. For this, an external foot switch command to recall the actual setting would be so helpful to me.

      • #186525
        Herr Mosa

        btw – after overthinking I’ll try to modify my preset with the HS1,2,3 Performance parameter variations via the onboard switches – this will bring me back quickly to the saved state.

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