H90 reverb and delay trails when bypassing.

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    • #187837


      I´ve been using the H9´s since they came out. Finally got myself a h90 now but there is one thing I can´t seem to figure out.

      I have always been using a super fast delay with a feedback of 100+% bypassed.  When I engage the pedal it creates this growing stutter effect of what i just played.

      Bypassing the pedal kills the effect of course which would go into mayhem if not. On the H90 when i use this setting the trails of the delay is still there when I engage the effect back on. I do not want that:(

    • #187845
    • #187846

      I tried that, but it does not work. As I understand it spillover only applies when switching programs. I dont want to switch program, I just want to bypass the algorithm.

      I also turned off tails which mutes the effect when i bypass, but when the time-based effect is set to go on forever its still there when i turn it back on. I kind of want it to loose its memory when i bypass the algorithm.

      Spillover and trails are off course very cool and useful features. But I really hope I can choose not to use it as well?

    • #187849

      OK, how about Relay, instead of DSP?

      Program Bypass Mode, same page linked.

    • #187850

      Same thing, I tried that also.

      Thank you though!

    • #187851

      Strike two.  Winding up for one more pitch:

      Which delay algorithm(s) are you using for this?  The subject includes reverb, so tell us about that algo selection, too.

      Not one of my use cases, but maybe there is a workaround for ‘always listening’.  Each algorithm’s feedback path has some unique characteristics, so that may / may not figure into it.

    • #187875

      I´ve only been testing it with algorithms I imported from my H9´s.

      A digital delay and a tape delay. Is “always listening” listening a setting somewhere?

    • #187876

      I´ve only been testing it with algorithms I imported from my H9´s.

      A digital delay and a tape delay. Is “always listening” listening a setting somewhere?

    • #187878

      … Is “always listening” listening a setting somewhere?

      No, just a descriptive phrase I picked up, probably from looping.  Due to the way it’s internally routed, some looper / delays may still ‘feed’ the delay line, regardless of mix or bypass status.  Consider that to be the exact opposite of the behavior you’re looking for.

      I have a few H9s, but none with the factory presets still intact.  So the original Digital Delay & Tape Delay algorithms, ported from TimeFactor.  It’s someplace for me to start.  Please check that your Feedback levels are a little less than 100%.  From 101-110 (and sometimes less) easily gets into runaway feedback that is difficult to shake. (Reloading the Program does work).


      My first thought is that you can make the H90 Looper do exactly what you’re describing,  Short Record time, Autoplay mode, Loop Decay 0.  You wouldn’t be using Bypass, probably a HotSwitch to bring the ‘stutter’ in & out.

      Along those same lines (only in the H90), you can try giving Head Space a spin.  Sticky Tape is great, but not for this maximum Feedback application.  My go-to for digital delay FX would be UltraTap.  I’m not sure yet whether it can produce the results you are looking for.

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