Home Forums Products Stompboxes H90 STEREO BIG ISSUES !!!

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    • #187943

      Hello, I’ve just received my H90 and I’m afraid there’s a big problem with the stereo output, whether it’s mono in stereo out (input 1 / output 1-2) or with mono inserts in 3 and 4 (preamp pedal / , the problem is the same, although the output 1-2 outputs are connected to my Strymon Volante and then my sound caed or directly to my sound card (two inputs) (I’ve tried both options), I can’t get any ping pong effect, for example with the Bouquet Delay, I have the impression of having everything in mono or dual mono, I’ve checked that the output is in auto and not in force mono. I’m about to send the pedal back. Please help.

      I use logic pro x with stereo input and stereo output.


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    • #187948
      Eventide Staff


      Sorry to hear you are having issues.

      It would be best to simplify your setup to help troubleshoot this.

      Please try connecting your guitar (or another instrument) to input 1. Connect outputs 1-2 to your monitoring source. Do not make any other connections on the H90, and make sure no inserts are enabled.

      Load up a preset such as Digital Delay “1.. and 2”. You should hear 2 distinct delay lines for the A and B voices. Turn the Delay Mix knob fully to A and you should only hear voice A out of 1 speaker. Turn Delay Mix fully to B and you should only hear voice B out of the other speaker.

      Please carefully follow the above instructions and let me know what happens.

    • #187996

      Check logic track to see if it’s set to stereo or mono. If something after h90 is mono including track it will be summed to mono. I did same thing once.

    • #188075

      I had an issue with the H90 sending a mono signal but the fix that time was just to disconnect all cables and insert them again.

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