H90 tempo sync with timefactor, won’t match

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    • #176904

      I’ve been controlling my H90 via midi with a hotone midi controller.  Works great with changing presets from song to song.  H90 is midi channel 1

      i added my timefactor on the mix set to midi channel 2 connected via the thru on the h90.  Midi is connected:  hotone->h90->TF.

      the tempo for the h90 presets, when set to transmit, will go to the TF.  But the tempos don’t match.  H90 says 90, TF says 89-87.  H90 says 127, TF says 124.

      Any ideas why the difference?

    • #177008
      Eventide Staff

      Do the tempos match in the sound?  Does the difference persist if you swap the order of H90 and TimeFactor?  When you see the difference, what tempo do you have the MIDI CLK generator set to generate?

      The H90 benefits from many improvements to the tracking of MIDI CLK, so it is possible that it is just providing you a more accurate reading.

    • #184654

      Update on this one:

      Playing around with the setup again with the TF and H90.  There seems to be some consistency now with the tempo from the TF and H90.  S/W update maybe?

      I put the TF as an insert on the H90 (in/out 3 and 4)……

      The H90 midi output/thru to the input TF works, but not for everything.
      midi controller out -> H90 in -> H90 out set to transmit -> TF in:  the TF will sync to the tempo of the H90, but in transmit the H90 will not send PC or CC messages and therefore the TF will not change programs during this time.
      midi controller out -> H90 in -> H90 out set to thru -> TF in:  the TF will change programs as per the PC and CC messages, but will not sync with the tempo of the H90 as the H90 does not send the tempo in the thru setting.

      Changed up the order seeing that the TF has a setting for midi out called thru+C where it will send PC and CC messages plus its clock out.
      midi controller -> TF in -> TF out set to thru+C -> H90 in:  the H90 and TF will change PC and CC as commanded plus the H90 syncs to the tempo of the program on the TF.
      the only draw back with this setup is that in this scenario where the TF is an insert, it will always control the tempo.  IN other words, if I change to a program that doesn’t use the TF it will still set the tempo to the H90.

      As an update for the H90, could we get that “thru+c” setting on the midi that is similar to the TF?

      • #184656
        Eventide Staff

        The H90’s MIDI settings are currently either Thru OR Transmit, so that explains the issues you are having.

        Yes, we can consider other MIDI options for a software update.

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