How do I change to different lists from the H90 pedal itself?

Home Forums Products Stompboxes How do I change to different lists from the H90 pedal itself?

  • This topic has 4 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 week ago by joecozzi
    Eventide Staff
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    • #184643

      Hey everyone,

      So I’m starting to lose my mind trying to do something that I thought would be insanely easy to do so I’m hoping someone here can just point me to a tutorial video showing how to do this (or just a step by step guide typed).

      In the H90, there are different lists. Factory ones, User ones etc.

      I’ve been using the desktop app and creating my own programs in User 2 List. The desktop app, I can just simply click on a list and the pedal changes immediately to that list and I can play anything in the selected list.

      When I am trying to switch between lists on the pedal itself, I just can’t. It’s likely user error but after reading the manual, I just still can’t do something so basic.

      What I am doing (on the pedal)

      1 Pressing the Programs button (Above Knob A shows I’m in user 1 list)

      2 Turning Knob A to the list I want (user 2)

      3 Turning the performance knob (and it then shows the programs in user 2)

      4 I then press P led switch and it doesn’t change to the list, its trying to edit or copy one of the programs

      I just don’t get why this is so difficult to do? I would have thought that when I do step 2 (above), if I just pressed the Knob A down, it would instantly switch to the desired list but it doesn’t do anything.

      Anyway, I’m sure I’m just doing this wrong. Thanks for any help.


    • #184644

      haha I literally just figured it out. Its even more simple than I thought.

      You turn knob A to whatever list and then just turn the Select knob. 😂

      Anyway, I have no idea how to delete a thread and posts on this forum but feel free to delete unless the solution is of some user to someone that’s only just bought the pedal.

      Long live the H90! 😍

    • #184645

      Actually it didn’t work. It shows the programs in the selected user lists but as soon as I press P or A or B, it just tries to edit something. Might film this behaviour in hope someone can just say what I’m doing wrong.

    • #184646

      Ok, so to change lists from the pedal itself, you have to press and hold Programs and ROuting together, then the system menu comes up, then select global, then chose the list, then select it. Then the list has changed. Man, that took some work figuring it out 😂

      Surely a better way would be Press programs button, Use knob A and turn it to whatever list is desired. Then just press Knob A and have it be instantly selected?

      Anyway, this has been a very enjoyable conversation I’ve had with myself on here. Please feel free to delete the whole thread if necessary (is it actually possible as I can’t see any options).


    • #184647
      Eventide Staff

      A+ for figuring it out on your own! Changing Playlists is a global function so that’s the reason it’s a System Menu function rather than something you can do in the Programs menu, where it’s meant more for searching programs across the pedals internal library.

      If you haven’t already seen it, there are extensive tutorials on YouTube with chapter markers entitled to address important topics like “Selecting A Playlist.”

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